Chapter 22: Kiss and Make Up

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Sunlight danced across your ceiling, a casted glow through the trees that almost reminded you of the way that sunlight twirled and reflected off of the surface of a pool, those little rings of light that seemed to swirl under the water. Your hair was haloed around your head in loose tangles. You lightly touched your fingers to your lips, watching the twirling lights.

It had been a week since you and Josuke had...

You know.

You turned your cheek onto the cool pillow case, glancing at the digital clock on your night stand. You were somewhat surprised that Junko hadn't come to get you yet, as she prided herself on punctuality.

The first few days since "it" happened had set some unprecedented challenges. After you two had... you know... school became more of a struggle in it's own right. It was impossible to be around him, let alone look at him at all without being reminded of what happened.

An awkward goodbye was all you could give him after you two had finally parted.

You liked him, didn't you?

You did, and that was the problem. So why were you pretending it didn't happen?

You sat up, dangling your legs over the edge of your mattress. Your uniform was neatly folded up on your dresser as always, and it had become second nature to put it on.

Glancing looks in class, nudges in the hall, whatever it was that just so happened to involve him made your hair stand straight up and set your heart ablaze, but you didn't even exchange so much as a greeting in passing.

What the hell could you say?

Being "friends" with him already garnered a bit of unwanted attention, but what would happen if people thought you two were together? The thought of it sent your stomach into a gymnastics routine.


It was almost noon, and as the teacher drawled on with algebra, the door to the classroom slid open. You couldn't help but find your eyes immediately gravitating towards the two figures, especially the taller of the two. Josuke and Koichi had showed up to school late, mumbling apologies with their heads down as they shuffled into the classroom.

One of the disadvantages to not being able to talk to him was not knowing what was going on in the world of mystical super abilities and the like. But when he showed up with little cuts all over his face, and Josuke offered nothing more than a cursory glance in your direction as they entered the classroom, you wanted nothing more than to just run up and interrogate him.

Small and numerous, it looked almost as if he had been hit with shards of glass, especially in the area around his eyes. They didn't look particularly violent, but that still didn't quell the storm brewing in your gut. Your mind immediately went to the idea of him being involved in some sort of fight, and the familiar constricting feeling of concern wormed its way into body, but you fought it down.

Yeah, you'd been trying to avoid talking to him, so it's not like you could just spontaneously go up to him after completely ignoring what had happened over the weekend. But what right did you have to be disappointed by that? You were the one who decided it.

"Jojo! We were so worried about you when you didn't show up this morning!" One girl quailed.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to help you to the nurse?" Another chimed in.

Lunchtime was announced to the boisterous and worried cooing of some of your female classmates, who had pressed in around Josuke's desk not too long after your tardy classmates arrived. It didn't occur to you if maybe the reason they were so loud was because you were straining to listen in for an answer from the boy, keeping your eyes on your lunchbox all the while.

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