Chapter 25: Torn

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A/n: This chapter is a little bit angsty, but that can be fun! It's plot relevant anyways,  so I hope you enjoy it! 

Ps. Is it just me, or is it that the more you write something, the longer each installment takes to perfect? I think I read this over and edited it like, seven times.


How easily we forget tribulation in the face of possibility and wonderment.

Cool it. Socrates, Jesus. Blah blah blah, you have a d...




A date with Josuke on Saturday, aaaaaaaannd... (drumroll please)

You're still grounded.


So what? Even if you did remember, were you going to just stop him and say, "oh sorry I'm busy, but maybe next week-".

No, you weren't going to do that.

Haha, like you were even capable of intellectual thought when he looked at you like that... eyes deep like the ocean and the color of twilight's prelude...


Ever noticed how much you think about eyes? Like, they were the window to the soul or some bull shit. I guess it made sense for such complexity to be hidden behind curiosities such as eyes.

Cool, now you sound creepy. Focus on the task at hand.

You buried your face in your pillow and let out a heartfelt screech.

Much better.

You flipped over, watching the ceiling. You traced the curves of each stroke of plaster, dips and texture just visible from the slight shadows cast by the light of the window. So what do you do? Try and figure out how to convince Mrs. Inoue to let you loose? Talk to Josuke about rescheduling?

Sneak out?

You shook the idea from your head. Horrible plan, scratch that last one. You were in enough trouble as is, sneaking out would just make things way worse. Even if they didn't catch you, the guilt of knowing you betrayed the Inoue's trust again might drive you insane.

So what was there left to do?

Nothing apparently, because before you could mull it over further, there was a light knock on the door. You sat up. "Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing the lithe form of Mrs. Inoue in the frame. Her dark hair was plaited in a braid that hovered around her mid shoulder blade, however a few loose clumps of hair gave the impression of it having started neat but becoming disheveled by a day of hard work. Her eyes were naturally kind, and there were crinkled lines at the corners from smiling, though her face wasn't set in one currently. She softly clicked the door closed behind her.

"I hope I'm not intruding, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute."

Your stomach swirled with anxious, worming guilt. "Of course you aren't. What did you want to talk about?" You choked out. You hadn't really talked since you'd gotten home after the shopping incident. You had a few ideas about what it could be, but you kept your thoughts to yourself.

"Well for starters, I cleaned up your school slippers." A light smile crested her lips. "You can borrow a pair of shoes from Junko and just change into them at school. Make sure to bring them home, alright?"

"Will do." you sheepish murmured.

Mrs. Inoue chuckled a little. "Speaking of Junko, she told me about what, ahem, PROMPTED your little lapse in attention."

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