Author's Note

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5K READS?! I'm so flattered that you've stuck around, the fact that people are enjoying my kind-of-cringe writing, is mind boggling. And oh Jesus in heaven do I love reading the comments! Thank you so much for all your support 😊!

On another note, I've been working on the latest chapter.... for two weeks now. I went back and re-read the story thus far, and I have to admit, the earlier chapters (cough, chapter 26, cough!) were rather unbearable, so apologies. Would it be better to rewrite it? No idea, but what's done is done, and I've come to realize that, hell, this is my story! It doesn't have to be cliche by cliche, what I want! I've got ideas!

The only thing I can say is... f**k Tonio's. Oh, and try not to consider chapter 26, I will be scrubbing my memory of it *shudders*

Thank you again! The next chapter will be out soon!


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