Chapter 13: Stop Talking to Me

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A/n: Sorry, this is a longer one! 

Junko had been quiet for the rest of the night, and no matter how you tried to get her to talk, she wouldn't say anything besides "I guess it was nothing". The next morning wasn't much better, either. She sounded a curt knock on your door and a, "are you ready to go?"

The morning was a bit chilly, not anywhere near freezing, but cool enough to nip at your nose and send goosebumps down your arms and legs. Junko kept her eyes forward, coming to the entrance to the plaza. The silence was pressing into your skull. "Junko please talk to me."

Her footsteps slowed a little, but she kept walking. You were going to ask her again when she opened her mouth. "It's nothing. I just feel like an idiot dragging my mom to the hospital just to figure out I'm an uncoordinated mess." She had an almost dejected look on her face, her hot breath puffed out in a little misty cloud. "I guess I really do have a few screws loose."

The quiet bloomed forth again as you passed the turtle pond. "What was it like? How did it feel when you kept falling."

"Uh, I don't know, pretty bad? Embarrassing? I don't know what you want me to say." Her lip crested into a faint frown. "It was like... one moment I was standing and the next my feet were going without me telling them to. I didn't even feel like I was falling, I just was." She snorted. "Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep."

"Hm, maybe..."

The rest of the walk continued without ceremony. In the distance the building that marked your destination loomed ominously. Well, the threatening part came more in the idea of those two kids who had been watching the house from yesterday were creeping down the hallways. Obviously you didn't want to tell Junko that.

As the gates came into view, the flood of students converged into a single stream, pouring into the school grounds. Junko split off, but that wasn't the focus of your attention anyways. Standing off to the side, right in front of the gates, was a strange man.

He was definitely a little too old to be a high schooler, and he certainly didn't look like any teacher you'd seen around before. He was preoccupied, holding a conversation with a couple of the students. Yep, that's a little creepy.

That was, until you registered the fact that he was talking to none other than Josuke Higashikata. Koichi was huddled up with the two of them, and they all seemed to be looking at something, completely oblivious to the crowds of kids around them. You cut across the current of your peers, but the man had already started to walk away, Koichi and Josuke merging into the crowd for the school building.

You took a glance around you. Stupid idea time. When you noticed that no one was looking at you, you reached out and tapped Josuke on the shoulder. "Hey, I need to talk to you," You sent the words out low, but powerful enough for him to hear without looking suspicious, "I think... I think I've seen something that you might be interested in."

He stopped and turned to you, but you just shuffled past him to keep up the guise of "I have nothing to do with this guy".

"Hey wait up a sec (y/n), what do you mean?" His voice had merged with the chorus around him, but it still felt like you were being stabbed with barbs as it seemed to call loudly over the crowd.

That idiot! if someone sees me talking to him, they're going to start more rumors and Okimi and her friends might crucify me!

Josuke had started to keep pace behind you, but you kept your eyes glued on the backs of those in front of you. "Talk. Later." You force the words through your teeth. Oh god, you were hoping no one saw you.

But Josuke wasn't taking no as an answer, instead opting to grab your arm. You looked up at him in horror, but his face betrayed nothing but innocence. Koichi studied the two of you, and worriedly pulled on his sleeve. "Hey, don't just grab people like that!"

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