Chapter 27: Dateline NBC

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A/n: I like this one, even if it's short, even if it's cheesy. 


You raked a hairbrush through the tangles of your damp hair. Your face screwed up when you noticed more than a few strands had come loose in the bristles. Note to self, buy more conditioner. You whipped your hair with the brush, little flecks of water sprinkling onto the bathroom mirror.

T minus 32 minutes until Josuke gets here.

A ball of nerves felt like it was clawing its way up your throat, threatening to choke you out. Is it normal to feel like you're going to pass out? Because it feels like you're going to pass out.

"Deep breaths..." you whispered to yourself. You set the brush on the counter with a clatter and crossed the hall, pushing open your bedroom door. On your bed was the outfit you'd picked out, a light blue dress, plain and simple. Junko had helped you decide on it. Your old sneakers would be good enough as far as shoes went, because who needs more than one or two pair of practical shoes? It's not like you'd need to look all fancy, right?

Your guess is as good as mine.

You slipped on the cotton dress, stretching your arms to try and zip up the back, twisting and contorting enough to hike it up. You pulled on a pair of plain white socks and stared at the clock resting on your bedside table.

24 minutes.

You dashed back across the hall to the bathroom.

You looked yourself up and down in the mirror. Maybe a little mascara? it wouldn't hurt. And some lip gloss! you know, just to spice things up. You stared dead pan into your own eyes, your reflection gawking back at you in the mirror. It tore its fingers through its damp hair, worriedly.

"I can't do this."

"Yes you can." A voice rang out. It felt as if you jumped straight into the air, Junko leaning her back against the door frame. She smiled. "You look great, by the way."

You clung a hand to your pounding chest, turning your attention back to the shy figure in the glass, who sheepishly tugged at its hair. "You think so?" You muttered.

Junko rolled her eyes. "As a matter of fact, yes." She studied you a little longer. "Hold on, you're forgetting something." Junko disappeared into the hall, returning not a minute later with something small in her hand. She reached for your head, sweeping a lock of hair behind your ear. Something cool and metallic scratched against your scalp, and Junko pulled away to admire her handy work. "There, much better."

You raised your hand to the side of your head, feeling an intricate design, a glance in the mirror revealed to you that it was a quaint rose hair clip, pink quartz running cool under your fingers. You turned back to Junko. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

Junko tapped her chin and looked you over. "Hmm, I could lend you a bag that'd match your outfit too.."

"Oh no, I'm good. Mine will do." Your faithful canvas satchel would be enough, it had yet to let you down. Besides, it'd be annoying to have to repack it with everything for only one night.

Junko shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just as long as you're not wearing those gross sneakers of yours..." she trailed off. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ha, well..."

"NOPE. That's not going to fly with me." Junko sunk her finger nails into your arm, attempting to drag you out of the bathroom and down the hall. You tore your arm from her.

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