Chapter 20

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"Youngkyun?" Sanghyuk ask hesitantly. I just stared at him in shock and quickly shook my head.

"yes?" i said trying to sound confident but failed miserably.

the silence was broke when the staff of the store said next. I immediately went in front and gave my stuffs.

He scanned the products and look at me weirdly but didn't ask. which i was thankful for. The worker packed the product in a black plastic bag and I snatched it harshly away from him.

Red tint was present in my face as I step away from the counter. The worker cough awkwardly and started to scan Sanghyuk's stuff while i awkwardly stand next to him waiting for him.

I sighed and hurriedly clutched Sanghyuk's arm and went outside of the store. I silently mumbled a curse and look at Sanghyuk staring at me confused at the situation.

I urged him to walk with me and he silently accepted the offer.

I sighed and turned to look at him but he just stared in front not sparing me any glance.

"uh-," I started and he turned his head towards me in wonder. I nervously fiddled the plastic bag in my hand and looked down at the floor. "the stuff was for- my sister," i stuttered and awkwardly ran my hands through my hair.

He chuckled and I look at him confused. "why are you explaining to me?, "he asked and I look away at him and wrap my ams to my body.

"just because , you might misunderstood the situation" I said not quite sure why i was so worked up. Sanghyuk knew about me , he must've thought that the stuffs was for me.

He laughed at my remark and started to act like a mad man. Laughing and looking like he was having a silent debate with himself.

I walked ahead of him and turn to look back. He was still in the same situation. I just shook my head and told him to walk faster.

He complied and fasten his pace to match mine.

I felt a stare at my face and I turn to look at Sanghyuk staring at me. He doesn't notice me staring back at him until I coughed to earn his attention.

He was startled, looking away. He sighed and awkwardly touched his nape, smiling like crazy.

I just nudge him and scoff. He was taken back and turned his smiling face to a teasing one.

He continued to stare at me with the same face moving his eyebrows up and down then smirking.

"what's wrong with you?" i asked and return my gaze in front.

He sighed and let out a dramatic sigh while clutching his chest.

I look at him weirdly and punched him which he returned one with a chuckle.

"serious what's wrong with you?, why are you acting like a mad man?," I asked him with a worried tone. he just chuckled again and ruffled my head which made me annoyed.

"nothing's wrong with me kyunnie" he cheered and sling his arms in my shoulder. I just sighed and nodded before swatting his arms in my shoulder.

Why do they keep on slinging their arms in my shoulder. I'm not that short.

Soon enough we arrived in the building and competed on who will reach the elevator first. Our laughs echoed through the silent building.

of course he arrived first and blew raspberries at me. I just glared at him and entered the elevator. I pushed the button which said closed and the door slowly closed when a hand stop it.

I saw Taeyang breathless while resting his arms in his knees as he bend to catch his breath. I opened the door and pull him inside the elevator.

He smiled and rested his head in the walls of the elevator. Sanghyuk looked at him and smiled before casually conversing with taeyang.

I just ignored them and opened my phone seeing a new text message from chani. I just closed my phone deciding to open it as soon as I arrive in the dorm room.

I hum as I wait for the elevator to reach our desired floor.

"where did you go?" Sanghyuk asked taeyang raising his eyebrows a bit.

The question earned my attention as I am curious on where did taeyang go. I silently eavesdrop the conversation between the two lads.

"just somewhere" he sighed and fiddled with his fingers.

"ey-" sanghyuk teased him and I also turned my head towards them giving them suspicious glance.

I raised my eyebrows while a teasing smile was playing in my lips. Taeyang look annoyed and pushed sanghyuk and my face using his hands.

We both groaned and stared at him in disbelief when the elevator opened in my floor. I waved at them and went out of the elevator when a voice stopped me from doing so.

"Youngkyun, you're bleeding, "taeyang said pointing towards my back. I turned around to check if I did.

I silently curse when I see blood stains in my butt. I look back at them and smiled awkwardly.

"he-he-he" I laughed but they just stared at me weirdly. The elevators door slowly closing but they did nothing to stop it.

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