Chapter 28

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Youngji's mind was in a havoc

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Youngji's mind was in a havoc. She stared at her mother's figure while her mother laugh at her sister's story. Her father joined in too, laughing with them while peeling the orange and handing it to her mother.

She heave a relieve sigh and stared at them smiling. After a few moments a knock interrupted their 'bonding time'. Youngji stood up and greeted the person at the door.

It was her mother's doctor. She bowed down as a sign of respect and turned her heels opening the door wider to let the doctor in.

Her father sat straight after seeing the doctor. The doctor cleared his throat, staring at my mother. He smiled warmly before reading the chart which probably contained my mother's result from the tests that they took.

"Your vitals are fine as of now but we're afraid when your heart stop pumping oxygenated blood that would put you in a life-threatening situation." He started and sighed he spared them a glance.

Her father sighed and slumped in his chair. He lifted his gaze up and looked at the doctor. "what should we do to stop it from happening?" he asked, encasing his wife's hands in his own.

"To stop this from happening you can do treatment. First is the radiofrequency ablation, its a minimally invasive procedure which kills the cells that cause ventricular tachycardia but this is less effective when you have a structural heart disease. The second is having an implanted device called ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator that delivers an electrical pulse to the heart to reset a dangerously irregular heartbeat. You can also take medication but right now with your age and condition I suggest that you undergo take the implant." He suggested

"the surgery is not really that urgent or dangerous, you can take it as soon as you are comfortable to do it." He smiled warmly at the couple.

"we'll let you know our decision Dr. Thank You" Her sister said and ushered the doctor outside the room probably to ask or clarify a few things.

Her father forced her to go home and rest before going back at the hospital. Her mother have explained everything to her father. From Youngkyun running away to her replacing him to secure his dream.

His father had guilt plastered on his face as he stared at his daughter. His heart ache after knowing all her sacrifices just to help her brother. They decided to focus on her mother first before talking about his brother's situation.

Youngji left a message for her brother hoping he would read it soon.

The taxi halted in front of the building she lived. She lifelessly traced her way to her dorm room and opened the door.

Leo's head perked up when he heard the click of the dorm lock. He cautiously went to the door and heave a relieve sigh when he saw Youngji.

He just stared at the dull and lifeless figure in front of him. Youngji lifted her gaze when she saw the familiar shoes of her roommate. She gave a lazy smile and went to her room locking it.

She didn't bother to change her clothes and just lied in her bed. The tiredness slowly streaming in her system. Having no energy left to fight the drowsiness she started drifting to sleep.

Her deep slumber was interrupted by the constant ringing of her phone. She grunted and lazily pulled herself to sit and look for her phone.

After she saw it she flinched at the sudden brightness and squinted her eyes seeing a lot of missed calls and unread messages. She was too preoccupied before to notice the ringing of her phone.

She gasped when she saw chani left her a lot of messages. She replied to him first and waited for his reply. The ringing of her phone surprised her. She clutched her chest and look at the caller. It was chani she immediately accepted the call and lied down on her bed.

"youngji?" The other line asked she grinned after realizing how much she missed hearing his voice.

"hey" She weakly greeted him. Feeling herself slowly choke up trying to suppress her cries. She wanted someone to listen to her. She felt like the earth is pushing her down to her limits. She is tired and she need someone to comfort her, to tell her everything's going to be okay but she doesn't want to bother him about her problems. She knew he had a lot of things to worry and she just can't let him worry about her too.

She heard chani shuffled in the other line and sighed "where were you?" He asked.

Youngji tried to suppress her sobs. The emotions slowly creeping up. She sniffled and wiped her tears. "i was at the hospital" she silently croaked.

"are you okay?" chani's deep and soothing voice immediately calmed her shaking state. She chuckled and nodded her head before answering him.

"I am" she answered her voice hoarse because of crying.

"Why were you at the hospital? " he asked trying to make his voice soft.

"I-my mother was admitted" She croaked and gripped at her shirts fabric.

"I want to see you" chani said in the other line. She chuckled upon hearing him. "me too"

"can we meet?" she asked

Chani hummed and shuffled "at the park?" He asked. Youngji nodded her head even when he can't see her.

She pulled herself up and stared at the clock in her wall. It was quarter to 4 am. She grabbed a jacket in her closet and wore it before going out of her dorm room.


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