Chapter 23

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"HA-HA-HA!" Youngji wheeze while listening to dawon's story-telling

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"HA-HA-HA!" Youngji wheeze while listening to dawon's story-telling. She punched her heart with her right arm, trying hard to breathe while she use her other hand to slap the person next to her.

The boys just stared at her, laughing at her state while pitying Dawon who was next to her. She laughed so hard after hearing Dawon's joke. It was not  even that funny for the boys but it was within Youngji's range of humor.

"Youngkyun stop it hurts!" dawon screeched prying Youngji away who kept on clinging to him while laughing.

Inseong snorted seeing Youngji's almost dying state. He held Youngji's right arms while he gave Youngbin a glance to hold Youngji's left arm. The both of them dragged Youngji away from Dawon while laughing.

The members of the NEOZ dance team decided to take a time off, of course with their managers approval and relaxed. After hearing the heartbreaking news earlier, the boys lost all their energy, making their performance look dull and lifeless.

Soon they arrived in the restaurant just beside their company building. The group already settled down in the table ready to order.

Inseong and Youngbin decided to treat their younger brothers food and the boys were more than thankful to the oldest of their group.

Dawon whistled and the waiter made his way towards their table. Scrunching his face when he saw the familiar faces. Apparently the boys are regulars of the restaurant that the owner and the staffs of the restaurant knew them.

"Yo! Yeongjun-hyung the usual please" dawon said and the boys laughed at his words but Yeongjun just scrunched his face in disgust and rolled his eyes.

"Hey that's rude" dawon pouted like a child but jaeyoon just nudge dawon and snickered.

The both of them fought like they are children. Youngbin just shrugged his shoulders while the other boys shook their head. Their voices were loud earning the attention of the customers but they didn't mind.

The customers were staffs of the same company. They knew the chaotic boys and decided to shrug them off focusing their attention on the mouth-watering food in front of them.

The food shortly arrived. Their eyes gleaming with so much joy upon seeing the food in front of them. The boys held their spoon and chopstick ready to dig in.

The boys looked at the oldest waiting for them to eat first before digging in. Inseong decided to tease them shoving the food in and out of his mouth. The boys gave him a glare ready to stab him using their chopstick leaving inseong with no choice but to eat the food.

After Inseong and Youngbin took the first bite. The boys shove the food inside their mouth, smiling when the familiar taste of spicy rice cake and soondae infiltrated their taste buds.

The boys nodded their head, humming in approval with the spicy taste feeling all their worries disappear. It only takes spicy food to make them feel better.

The oldest smiled warmly at the boys content faces. He snickered seeing their stuffed faces. It was an incredible sight to see.

Good thing the boys were not fighting for the food like they usually do. Youngbin and Inseong decided to order extra so the boys would fill their stomachs to their hearts content. The boys devoured the food until the last bit.

Dawon slumped in his chair while he rubbed his stomach. He closed his eyes feeling himself slowly getting sleepy.

The last one to remain eating was Youngji. She ate and ate and ate, the boys stared at her in awe as she continue to finish her food.

The boys smiled warmly at her state. The sauce smudged her side lips. She nibbled her lips and leaned her back in the chair. Closing her eyes and humming in content.

Chani's eyes glowed as he stared at her in adoration. His stomach did weird flips while he continue to stare at her. He threw a side glance at taeyang and saw the older stare at Youngji with the same amount of adoration.

He felt his stomach twist at the sight. Feeling a weird bubble of emotion starting to form. He glared secretly at the boy and groaned, his mood slightly getting ruined. He sighed and tried to calm himself. He stared at the girl in front of him resting both of his elbows on the table.

The other boys were too engrossed with their own conversation that they didn't notice chani staring at Youngji's face.

He snickered when he saw the sauce in her side lips. He got a tissue and thoughtlessly wiped Youngji's lips.

Youngji froze at the sudden action. Her breathe hitched and her cheeks reddened.

"what was that?" dawon asked slightly confused, his lips formed a teasing smile.

The boys snickered when they see chani's hands in front of youngji while he wiped the sauce. Chani slowly retracted his hands slowly growing embarrassed at his action.

"it was nothing" youngji waved her hands, coughing awkwardly.

The boys laughed their hearts out, clutching their hands together staring at the two teenager in awe.

"aigoooooo young love" seokwoo clapped his hands like a seal and slapped Juho's shoulder who was beside him.

They were squealing like teenage girls feeling delighted at the scene except for taeyang who felt uncomfortable seeing how the 'romantic' scene unfolds in front of him.

Jaeyoon nudge dawon who was beside him, squealing and humming unknown melody. Taeyang who was beside Chani forcefully laughed with them. He don't know what to feel with it so he just decided to go along with his groupmates antics.

Chani cleared his throat, trying hard to remain casual about the situation but the red tint in his cheeks made the boys squealed like dying pig.


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