Chapter 32

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"Youngkyun?" her mother exclaimed after seeing Youngkyun who stood in the door awkwardly

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"Youngkyun?" her mother exclaimed after seeing Youngkyun who stood in the door awkwardly.

He rubbed his neck and carefully stride his way towards their sick mother.

Her mother had the usual glow in her eyes after seeing her son. She opened her arms wide, welcoming her son, encasing him in a warm embrace.

She chuckled and rubbed his head when she heard Youngkyun's sobs. She was happy that her son is back. It was a bad thought but if getting sick earlier will be the only way to see him again. She would gladly do it.

Youngkyun snuggled in her mother's neck, careful not to hit the monitor just beside her bed. He continuously whispered her apologies while her mother continued to rub soft and comforting circles in his back while she also whispered her own set of apologies.

Her father smile became wider seeing his family finally reunited. He pulled his two daughter and joined her wife and son.

It was a blissful day. He can't wish for anything right now. He felt contented seeing his family's bright smiles.

Youngji giggled after her father told a funny story. It was a very relaxing day. Ironic how she finds staying in hospital relaxing.

Her father continued his storied when the someone knocked at the door. Youngji signalled her father that she will open it and continue his story-telling.

She open the door and gasped at the uninvited guests. The boys were outside her mother's room while smiling sheepishly at the shocked girl.

Dawon coughed to earn Youngji's attention who remained frozen in her place. She was still shock seeing the boys but she gave them a wide smile welcoming them inside her mothers room.

They entered the room and greeted her parents, instantly snatching their hearts. Specially Jaeyoon and Dawon who talked sweetly and smoothly at her parents.

Taeyang and Zuho were engaged in a conversation with her sister considering the fact that they came from the same high school they immediately clicked with each other.

Rowoon and Youngbin were preparing the food that they brought, putting them in the plate and handling them out to everyone.

Her mother's smile couldn't get any wider. Seeing how kind they were, it instantly warmed her heart. She's thankful to them for helping her daughter despite the fact that they keep her identity, they kept it and even visited her.

Chani was resided beside Youngji. They were sitting in an awkward manner, constantly stealing glances at each other but they remain oblivious at each other's presence keeping their mouth shut and struggling to banish the thick cloud of awkwardness between them.

If the two were together alone in a room they would instantly be on each other sides, feeling each other warmth as they talk about random things but they are in a room with 12 pair of eyes constantly looking at them.

Youngji quietly stood up and left the room without permission. She followed the path towards the hospital's rooftop which is accessible for patients.

She didn't know chani followed her until she felt his presence in beside her. The boy gave a sheepish smile encasing the girl's hands in his own.

The sudden gush of night wind made the both of them instantly shudder. They prop their elbows in the railing and stared at the view of Seoul's skyline feeling at ease even with the coldness of the night.

"Chani" Youngji called chani using her soft voice and stared at him while he admire the view.

Chani hums and turned his attention to the girl beside him. The both of them stared at each others eyes and felt everything vanished leaving the two of them. as cliché as it may sound they felt as if time stopped while the both of them admired each other.

The wind interrupted their intense eye contact. Youngji touched her chest feeling her heart erratically beats making her feel lightheaded in a good kind of way.

Youngji's ears and cheeks felt warm. The surface of her face tinted with scarlet as she tried to regain her composure.

Chani was as flustered as the girl. He tried to be confident and held the girls arms pulling her in a sudden hug.

The girl didn't complain and snuggled her face in his neck, sniffing his shampooed hair.

The boy chuckled at Youngji's weirdness. She really have the tendency to sniff or smell the person she hugs but that only made her cuter in his thoughts.

She wrap her arms around his waist and rested her head in his neck. Chani thought it would be more romantic if Youngji's smaller but Youngji is as tall as him.

They remained in their position. Chani wrapping the girl in a warm embrace while they enjoy each others warmth.

Chani broke the hug and stared at the girl's face he adore. He hesitantly opened his mouth and ask her about the things that keeps on bothering her. He wanted to help her in any way he could offer.

"What's bothering you?" he courageously asked and rested his hands in her shoulder, trying to catch her wavering eyes.

Youngji sighed and looked at him in the eyes. "My father wanted us to move in America. He said it will be better for my mother to undergo the surgery there." she mumbled while nibbling her lips.

Chani felt as if his whole world crash but he won't let it show. He sighed and pulled her to sit in a bench.

"do you want to go?" he asked and stared at the girl.

"i don't know, I don't want to leave you and I want to be there for my mom. I-I'm confused on what to do" she croaked trying her best to suppress her tears.

Chani let's go of her hand and stared at the night sky. "you should go Youngji it's your mother..." he trailed off and stared at the girl. His eyes shaking while he tried to become the strong one.

"I can't take it if you regret not being there for her. I will wait for you even if it takes years. Just know that I will" he muttered and wrapped the girl in his arms tightly as if he didn't want to let go of her.

"b-but I can't leave you!" youngji protested. Chani just gave her a warm smile and ruffled her hair.

"I'll wait for you okay" he said his voice firm. He wished Youngji will just agree. It is a difficult thing for him too but her mom needs her more than he does and he's confident his feelings will never change.

Youngji's his first love, even with the small time they shared with each other he felt the strongest bond. They were both each other's first and he can't wait to be each other's end but right now they need to set the priorities first.

They are just barely teens but they are experiencing adult things that makes him wished to be just a child. With no complications and conflicts. He can just innocently fall in love with Youngji without difficulties.


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Hi so I published a new book entitled play hard. If you have time I hope you can check it. :)

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