Chapter 26

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"Youngji" chani called youngji who was staring at the pitch black night skies filled with glittered dust

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"Youngji" chani called youngji who was staring at the pitch black night skies filled with glittered dust.

Chani lead them to a playground. They took a seat in a bench under a tree. The view of the night sky was beautiful but he can't seem to take his eyes off the girl beside him.

"hmm," youngji hummed and continued to stare at the skies. She remove her gaze from the sky and turned her attention to the boy beside her.

chani gave her a warm smile, connecting his warm hands into her. Youngji smiled and leaned into the touch. Resting her head on the boy's shoulder.

She release a relieve sigh and closed her eyes. Feeling chani's warmth in her made her feel comfortable. Made her feel like home.

She can't help but think that everything went too fast. It was as if her brother just left yesterday. She can't help but worry about their future. She knew all too well this feeling is only temporary. She shouldn't let herself be swallowed completely in this emotion but she never knew she already did. 

"are you cold?" chani asked wrapping his arms around youngji's shoulder. The girl softly shook his head, her eyes still closed.

"what are you thinking?" chani asked and the girl slowly removed herself from the warm embrace. She lifted her gaze up and stared at chani's pair of brown orbs.

She smiled while fidgeting her hands." about us" she answered his question. Chani looked confused for a moment, his eyes locked at the skies. He turned to her and sighed. 

"let's not talk about it for now okay?" chani muttered reaching for her hands and enclosing it with his own.

He too know the complication of their 'relationship'. He knew it was a temporary thing and he shouldn't let himself fall too hard but thinking about it now, he can't just ignore it. The feeling of having Youngji in his arms made him feel overwhelmed in happiness even when he knew that he shouldn't, but he can't help but to indulge himself in her warmth.

The both of them stared at the night skies feeling at peace even when they knew it was temporary but they are willing to risk it , all for love.

Youngji lied in her bed recalling the events. Her face dusted with red tint remembering the kiss that they shared. She cleared her throat and tried to avert her thoughts away from the kiss but she failed.

Touching her lips using her hands, she sighed and writhe in too much happiness but it was replaced when the thought of her leaving chani crossed her mind.

She groaned and glanced at the wall clock installed in the wall in front of her room. It was nearly 3 am in the morning but she can't sleep. Her mind clouded with questions about her future that even she can't answer.

she turned to her right while forcing herself to sleep when a ding interrupted the silence that surrounds her room. She reached for her phone in her side and opened it flinching with the sudden brightness of her phone.

She squinted her eyes and stared at the text and bolted upwards into a sitting position. She rubbed her eyes and stared at the phone once again. Checking if she just misread it but the text message was right.

She dashed her way to the bathroom and hastily changed her pajama. She groaned when she hit her side in the table but it wasn't in her worries right now. She shakily went out of her dorm room and went outside hailing a taxi.

She open her phone and stared at it. She closed her eyes feeling herself weaken at the sudden burst of emotion.

Hello! Is this Ms. Kim Yumi's daughter?

Yes this is Kim Youngji. What's the matter?

I'm a nurse at Hanseung University Hospital. Your mother was rushed in the hospital due to a Cardiac Arrest.

She gripped the phone in her hand and stared outside the window. The weather suddenly became bad. The rain started pouring hitting the window of the moving car.

The taxi driver stealing glances at the troubled girl, sighed and decided to ask to lighten the mood.

"are you okay miss?" the driver asked looking at front , focusing on the road.

Youngji sniffles and shook her head. she looked down staring at her phone feeling so lost and confused.


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