Kissing Scenes

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AKA Tongue wars.

"I was hungry for him. Xavier soon figured that out and deepened the kiss. Our tongues danced ever so lightly in eachother's mouths. The rhythm was synchronized. I savoured the taste of his tongue. I could almost taste what he had for breakfast this morning. I don't care about what's going on around us, just the feeling of his saliva dribbling down my throat lit my body up in flames."

This isn't passion, this is disgusting. I mean come on!

I get that some writers really want to let their readers know how the MC is feeling in their current situation but they over do it. Way to make kissing sound disgusting. They don't even bother to let us know what else is happening around them.

Are they on a bed or something?

Where are his hands?

Can't she think about something else other than the kiss?

And then there's making out on walls. They make it sound like something that's done with easy.  I've made out on a wall before and it's not nice. *Cringes* so uncomfortable.

Literally caught between a rock and a hard place. Forgive me but that was a good joke.

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