Graphic Designers pt 1

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Ah, this table.

Wattpad is filled with different kinds of graphic designers. The good, the bad and the absolutely ridiculous. I'm going to start with the absolutely ridiculous.

The AbsOluTeLy Re-Dicuelus

These designers are extremely strict. This is caused by cockiness. These people ask you to give them too much credit. We get it, you made a work of art. Calm down picasso.



Credit me in the description of your book.

Also credit me in the first chapter of your book.

Also credit me in your bio.

Also add my book to your reading list.

Permanently follow me.

If you fail to comply, you will be put on the BLOCK LIST.


What the hell?

Why must I do all these things! You're basically asking me to dedicate my entire wattpad profile to you. Keep your cover, I'll do fine with my shit one.

Don't even get me started on the complexity of the request form. Including passwords and then fake passwords and then secret codes. I came to request a cover, not to solve a mystery. The purpose of these passwords are just to make sure requesters have read the rules and didn't just scroll to fill a form but it's getting out of hand!

These people are also very rude. They reject covers in most horrible ways.


Without any reason. Leaving people wondering what they did wrong. These designers sometimes leave requests unanswered and then expect one not to shop hop. (Shop hopping is wrong. Only when your request has been accepted.)


And then there's when they start acting like stuck up idiots.

If you don't like my covers then you can go kill yourself honey ;)


we get it, you sometimes have a hard time but that nasty attitude won't get you anywhere.

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