Fan Fictions pt 1

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Harry Styles.

Since I mentioned Harry styles in last chapter, this brings us to the joys of fan fiction.

The only Harry styles fan fiction I have ever read in my entire seventeen years of life is in my reading list and I swear to you, it is fantastic. Pure magic. And because it's my first Harry fanfic, I don't want to ruin the way he's portrayed in the book by reading another one so I'm good.


Sometimes it gets out of hand you know? You can't just create a totally different character and give them a celebrities name and expect us to be fine with it and read on as if it's not taboo. Who does that?

I've seen someone write a Harry styles fanfic but changes his hair colour to blonde and gets rid of all Harry's tattoos.

Again, who does that?

I get that it's just a story but is it really a Harry styles fanfic if he doesn't look anything like Harry?

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