Fan Fictions pt 2

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Some people love to hate him, I just love him :p

I don't read fan fictions. It's not in my comfort zone to do so but I took a chance.

I searched for some to review, ones that aren't about one direction (I love them but it's too much) and I came across one that was about Justin Bieber and his wife, Haley Bieber.

And no, the MC is not Hailey.

It was actually a maid Justin hired. I'm sure you know where this is going.

He falls in love with the MC (The maid.)

*Gasp* Dölerena, egads! (I've grown fond of my made up MC.)

The writer sets in this current pandemic era. While covid-19 is taking place all around the world, Hailey is stuck in another country and is too paranoid to leave. Justin understands that and doesn't push her to do anything that will put a strain on their marriage.

As weeks go by, Justin starts noticing the MC. He enjoys her company and the two soon developed a forbidden romance.

Long story short, Justin finds out Hailey plots to kill him and take his earnings but the MC saves the day and kills Hailey when she tries to hurt Justin. It's justifiable homicide. (self defence) The MC and Justin marry with children of their own, the end.

It's a cute book? I didn't quite know how to feel about it. Fan fictions are just a lot for me to take in so this is somewhat a useless chapter. What do you hate about fan fics?

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