Coach Orion

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The Ducks walked into their new hockey rink, taking in how big it was, Lexi looked around grinning at how pretty it was, she was stood between Adam and Charlie. The girl noticed that the varsity hockey team was practising and instantly the girl felt intimidated. 

"They sure won a lot of championships," Dwayne said as he looked around. 

"Come on, guys, we could skate out there" Connie smiled as she tried to hype her team-up. They all smiled at the girl before walking towards the ice, they were met with 3 of the varsity players. 

" If it isn't Captain Ducky" The varsity captain teased reaching out for the boy.

"Get your hands off him," Fulton said trying to be intimidating, but even Lexi knew without Portman he wasn't nearly as scary.

"Ooh, look. A Bash Brother, I'm so scared" The varsity captain teased. He looked around the team before his eyes landed on Lexi, she watched as his eyes raked up and down her body. "Well hello hottie, wouldn't mind seeing you around," he said as he began approaching her. Charlie stepped up blocking the girl slightly.  

"She has a boyfriend, keep talking to her like that and I'm sure he won't hesitate to kick your ass," Adam said as he stepped forward and clenched his fist grabbing the girls hand and pulling her behind him. 

The strength of the taller boy caused the girl to stumble slightly as she felt hands grab her shoulders and hold her still, she turned and smiled as she saw Guy smiling at her reassuringly. 

The varsity coach quickly skated up and interrupted "Break it up! Come on, men, let's go", the team watched as the Varsity team skated away and carefully stepped on the ice.

"How about it, Cowboy? Round up ?" Charlie asked Dwayne with a slight smirk on his face

"Hey, Charlie, shouldn't we wait for the new coach before we mess around?"Connie asked him as the boy scoffed and put his hands on her shoulders.

"This is how we practice, duck hockey Connie. You'll have to get used to it sooner or later" the boy teased as the girl shot him a smile.

"Well, come on, Cowboy" Charlie grinned as Dwayne smiled "Yeehaw round em up doggies," he said as the team began staking away.

Lexi was skating beside Adam as Dwayne got closer to the pair, she grinned to herself before skating at Adam giving him a slight push in Dwayne's direction and allowing him to be roped "Sorry gorgeous, no hard feelings" she smiled before skating over to Sadie who gave the girl a fist bump.

Lexi watched as Dwayne chased her brother, she frowned when she saw the Coach skating up, he didn't look the nicest. Charlie didn't notice and was roped falling right to the ground in front of the man.

"My name is Coach Orion. You can call me Coach or  Coach Orion.'' The man stated, Lexi saw the grin on Charlie's face and braced for the smart ass comment she knew was coming.

"Well, you can call me Charlie,'' he said as he held his hand out jokingly, turning around and watching as the rest of the ducks minus Adam and Lexi laugh, they had dealt with strict coaches before and knew not to get on the bad side of one.

"That must be what that C on your jersey stands for, huh? It sure doesn't stand for the captain.'' Orion bit back quickly, Lexi felt her jaw drop as she looked at the man "damn, snap" she mumbled 

"Sorry, Coach. We were just messin' with you, you know?" Russ said trying to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand, Lexi could have kissed the boys skates, she hated the tension. She hoped everyone could be civil now 

"Hey, Bombay gave him that C.'' Goldberg spoke up defending Charlie "damnit we were so close" Lexi muttered.

"And I respect that, but that's the past. This is my team now, and I'll be selecting the captain." The coach stated, Lexi respected that, she just hoped that coach chose Charlie, she couldn't be bothered to deal with all the bitch fits he would have if he wasn't captain.

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