Double date

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Connie and Guy met Adam and Lexi at the short blondes house ready for their planned double date, Guy had left the girl to go pick up Connie before heading back. 

It was in that time that asshole Shane had decided to pop in for a quick visit.

 Lexi and Adam were sitting on the porch in a quiet conversation when the couple walked up. The two waved at the blondes as they got up from the porch and walked towards them. 

"Guy!" Lexi squealed as she wrapped her arms around the boy in a tight hug.

 Guy laughed and returned the gesture. "I missed you." Lexi mumbled into chest as the boy held her tightly.

 "I missed you too, Lexi even though its only been like 30 minutes." Guy said, letting go of the girl with a bright smile on his face.

"A lot can happen in 30 minutes" the girl laughed as Adam nodded in agreement.

"What?" Guy asked confused, "nevermind" the girl stated, a small smile on her face, if she told Guy he would explode and probably try to hunt down her dad. 

"No, what happened?" Guy persisted, knowing the smile on his bestfriends face was fake.

Lexi just sighed, she knew that he would keep trying, she shouldn't have said anything. "Shane just came by is all, he tried to come back into my life, because his other one didnt work out"

The girl informed sadly, she noticed anger wash over Guy's face and he clenched his fists. "How long ago did he leave, and which way did he go" the boy spoke.

"It's okay, we dealt with it" Adam said as he laughed softly "he wont be back" he informed Guy who nodded and unclenched his fists.

"That was hot babe" Connie muttered, giving the boy a peck on the cheek, causing him to blush

 "Okay, now who's ready for bowling?" Guy squeaked out as he blushed.

The kids all cheered and began walking to the bowling alley "I'm taking the car" lexi singsonged quickly throwing herself onto her boyfriends back.

Used to her antics her boyfriend didnt even stumble, he simply just grabbed her thighs and continued walking, the girl taking the opportunity to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before restng her head on his shoulder.

"That looks fun" Connie smiled "catch me Guy" the girl stated, Guy caught her without stumbling and Connie laughed.

"I'm impressed, you didnt even stumble" she stated as she wrapped her arms around the boys neck. 

Guy simply continued walking and let out a short response "when you're best friends with Lexi Conway you get used to random attacks" the boy smiled.

The girls the whole way complained about how they could pay for their food and bowling shoes but the boys refused to let them pay and took their wallets.

 The boys payed for the bowling shoes and they told the person their size, Guy let out a small snicker and the girl turned to him, a look of confusion on her face.

"What?" she asked, looking up at the boy as she grabbed her shoes. 

"You're in kids size bowling shoes" the boy teased, a grin on his face. "so small Little Lexi"

Lexi pouted playfully "it's like one of the bigger kids sizes though" the girl whined, Guy simply ruffled her hair teasingly. 

Lexi turned to her boyfriend who was already looking at her, a fond smile on his face "gorgeous, he is bullying me" the girl whined, stomping her foot jokingly like a spoilt toddler. 

Adam laughed "Hey Germaine" he joked "you bullying my girlfriend?!" he said as he clenched his fists.

Connie overheard and slapped her boyfriend over the head, "Ouch Con!" the boy whined out as he held onto his head. 

"Don't bully my baby" Connie stated as she walked over to a giggling Lexi and pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly as if she was a child.  

The 4 teens laughed as they headed over to the Lane, Adam sat down and Lexi slid herself in beside him, smiling as the boy wrapped his arm around her and placed a kiss to her head.

"Get ready to have your butt kicked." Guy told the group as he put everyone's names in.

Lexi rolled her eyes at her name "Little". "Such a bully" she muttered to Adam who let out a small laugh.

 "As if you would win." Lexi joked, she knew she wouldn't, she sucked at bowling but she had hope for Adam or Connie to win. 

Lexi got a strike after a few attempts, she jumped up squealing, the rest of the teens had gotten plenty but it was the girls first.

"Way to go Cutie" Adam cheered as the girl excitedly ran into his arms, he lifted her off the ground and spun her before placing her down.

 "I can't believe you won." Lexi whined as they all walked out of the bowling alley together. 

"I told you I would!" Guy laughed as he slung his arms over Connie and Lexi's shoulders. The girls laughed as they pushed him off. "Who knew, Guy Germaine, is good at something"

The 4 Teens found themselves sitting down at Mickey's Diner, grabbing some milkshakes. 

"Hey Mom" the girl smiled softly, since everything with Charlie she hadn't seen the women as much, she wasn't comfortable enough to go to the house, besides she worried she would be turned away.

"Hey honey, i haven't seen you in a while, Everything okay? I asked Charlie and he said you were just busy with school and hanging out with Adam" the woman spoke as she sent the girl a small smile. 

Lexi sighed on the inside, of course Charlie hadn't told their mom what he had done, the girl wasn't going to get the boy in trouble though, no matter how badly Charlie treated her. 

So she simply nodded, ignoring the confused looks on the other 3 teens faces "yeah, sorry. I've just been busy, ill make an effort to come in and visit more, i promise" the girl  said. 

"I'll hold you to that" Casey said with a grin as she turned to go wait another table. 

When she was gone Lexi's smile dropped and she turned to her friends, who were looking with her eyebrows raised "what?" she said as she moved her straw around her drink. 

"Why didn't you tell her how Charlie has been treating you?" Connie questioned the girl "she would have went off at him, might have snapped him out of being an asshole".

The girl simply shrugged "I don't want to get him in trouble, besides we are big kids now, we can sort out our own problems" she stated boredly. 

"I dont wanna talk about it anyways" the girl said as she forced a smile on her face. "Who's excited for school tomorrow" the girl said as she changed the subject. 

Adam laughed and the girl rested her head on his shoulder "Is anyone ever excited for school Cutie?" he stated causing the other two teens to nod in agreement.

Lexi rolled her eyes jokingly and went to speak again when the diner door was slammed open, the teens turned their attention to the door and locked eyes on Charlie Conway.

His eyes widened as he looked over at the group, making no effort to communicate whilst 3 of the teens turned away, not wanting to make awkward eye contact anymore.

Lexi however let out a small smile and sent a wave to her brother, she was hoping for at least a smile, the boy though just looked at her and walked out of the Diner.

The girl sighed softly and looked away, meeting the eyes of Adam "It's alright Cutie" he said gently as she grabbed the girls hand, she sent him a forced smile and dug her head into his side.

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