The rain

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Lexi woke up the next day and dragged herself out of bed, she got ready for the school day and headed outside, slightly frowning as she walked past Adam's house, she hoped he was doing okay. He would currently be at his varsity hockey training.

The girl walked into school with one of her best friends, Alex Larson, the girl had skated to his house so they could go to school together, him only living 2 streets away, she didn't want to be alone, she had to talk to someone.

 She explained to the boy about the previous night with Adam. The boy could see the pain in her eyes as she attempted to explain how breaking up with Adam was good for him, that it would allow him a chance at real love and happiness.

Alex had frowned but said nothing, he would talk to her about it later. The truth was Alex knew how much it hurt to love something so much and not do anything about it until it was gone.

He worried that Lexi would make the same mistake with Adam and the boy was planning on doing his absolute best to make sure it didn't happen. 

The two walked over to her locker and she put her locker combo in, nodding her head along to Alex's words. He was talking about visiting Ellie in a few days. 

"I'll come with." She told him as she opened her locker and traded in some of her textbooks, she needed to speak to El, it had been a while.

 The girl felt eyes on her and turned around to meet the eyes of Adam Banks. 

Their eyes locked for a few seconds, Adam Banks' bright blue eyes pleaded her with her, she saw the tears in them and desperately wanted to rush into his arms. But she didn't. 

The girl simply sighed softly before turning back around and closing her locker. 

"To class, sir." She told her best friend as she held her arm up. Alex laughed lightly and grabbed her arm and followed her to class. 

The girl took a seat beside her best friend and threw her feet on to the desk, she was feeling alright that morning after everything had happened, her biggest happiness came from the fact Adam was going to eventually be able to find the happiness he deserved.

 Adam Banks walked into the classroom and took his normal seat behind Lexi. He stared at the back of her head as the teacher talked, the inside of him begged him to talk to her but he wanted to respect her wishes, it just killed him to do so.

The day dragged on, Adam having to sit beside Lexi in multiple classes, the girl smiled at him once, before turning away. 

That small moment in itself made Adam's heart soar, sadly for him though it was the only moment he would get all day.

Lexi and Guy sat at the school's fountain eating their lunch together. Lexi wanted to sit away from their friend group today, not having the energy to deal with and explain everything that happened. 

Guy told her he would tag along, the pair seemingly always being attached to each other, he never wanted her to feel alone. 

The boy stuffed his mash potatoes in his mouth before looking up to the girl who wasn't eating. "How've you been, you know, after the whole break up?" Guy asked his friend as he put his lunch tray down.

 The girl shrugged and looked up to the blonde who had a small smile on his face. "I'm... okay, weirdly. I thought I would be broken but I'm feeling alright. I'm just glad that I know Adam will find someone who isn't so broken and someone who can love him better then I can," she said softly. Guy sighed and leaned his head on his friend's shoulder being able to read the pain in her eyes. 

Lexi returned the small gesture by leaning her head on top of his. "I know that you thought it was a good idea but, Lex, he really loves you. He really, really, really does, and I know there are some reasons that you felt the need to break up with him but I think it was a mistake. Adam Banks is your other half, you guys were born to be with each other. He helps you through stuff and that's the reason you're still here."

Lexi went to respond but she was interrupted as Alex Larson approached "Hey Losers, come inside, it's about to rain" he stated. 

Guy looked up and frowned "no its not" he stated in confusion not even 10 seconds later Lexi felt a raindrop hit her face and eventually it began bucketing down. 

"Damn Ellie, not a good time" Lexi muttered, knowing El would have had something to do with it, she was Adexis' biggest supporter, she wanted the girl inside, speaking to the boy she loved.

Guy ran out of the rain quickly, meeting Alex undercover, the pair looked and noticed Lexi just sitting in the rain, looking down deep in thought, if they had to guess what she was thinking about they guessed that it would be a certain blue-eyed blonde-haired boy and the heartache she was feeling.

Although she told the boys she was fine, they knew she wasn't. They knew she was hurting but her hate for herself and her love for Adam Banks was so strong the girl thought that isolating herself and breaking up with the boy was the best thing to do, she didn't want to keep bringing him down.

Guy rushed back in the rain and stood in front of the girl, holding out a hand "Lexi, let's go" he said softly, causing her to snap out of her trance. The girl smiled softly, grabbing his hand and allowing him to pull her out of the rain

 Alexis Conway walked into the cafeteria with Alex and Guy by her side. 

She was laughing at something stupid that Alex had said. Her laughter died down when she saw Adam Banks sitting at the Varsity table, the girl who had kissed him the few days before sitting beside him chatting up a storm. 

Alex gave her a weird look before following her gaze, frowning at the sight of his best friend already talking to another girl.

 An idea popped into Alex's head and he smirked before scooping the girl off the ground. He threw her over his shoulder and Lexi laughed loudly as he started walking towards the JV table. 

Adam Banks took his gaze away from the girl beside him to look at the girl who the laugh had come from. He frowned as he watched Alex place Lexi down and kissed her forehead lightly. 

Adam knew the boy was still hooked on a dead girl and he loved Lex like a little sister so he wasn't stressed about them, but he was worried the girl would move on so quickly. 

Adam Banks loved Alexis Conway and his heart ached every time she laughed or smiled when he wasn't around.

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