I'm tired

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Lexi Conway had managed to make her way to the nurse's office and get herself sent home for the rest of the day.  She had no energy to give a shit about the two classes she would miss, besides one of the team could catch her up.

The girl walked tiredly home, unlocking the front door and throwing her bag down. She trudged up the stairs and threw herself onto her bed looking up to the roof as her thoughts filled her mind, it took the girl about 10 minutes to drift off into a well-needeed sleep.

Back at Eden Hall Adam Banks frowned in confusion as he watched the girl walk out of the room. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Charlie doing the same thing.

"What did you do to her preppy?" Charlie spat out as he refused to look at his old best friend. 

"What did I do?" Adam responded trying to make eye contact with the boy "I did nothing asshole" he said as he turned back to the lesson. 

"It was both of you," Guy said as he leaned forward in frustration "and if you two can't figure out why she is sad then you're even dumber then I thought" he informed them before sitting back into his chair.

Alex took the time to lean back "if you two want to hate each other that's fine, just don't keep dragging little Lexi into it, she doesn't need that crap from you, you both don't deserve the love. she gives you sometimes".

Charlie simply rolled his eyes whilst Adam looked down in confusion, trying to pay attention to the lesson but finding his mind distracted as he thought of his girlfriend.  

It had been about 3 hours of Lexi just laying on her bed when she heard the doorbell ring. The girl hopped out of bed and headed down the stairs opening the front door and looking up at the figure who stood in front of her.

Lexi looked into his eyes and part of her felt the overwhelming urge to throw her arms around the boy, to have him comfort her. 

The other part of her felt numb when she looked at the boy, she didn't want to see him or talk to him she just wanted to be alone.

"Yes?" she asked softly, a slight frown on her face. "I don't really want to talk right now, please go," the girl said sadly. "Please"

Though some of the girl wanted him to ignore what she said, deep down she knew she needed him to stay, she needed him to love her.

The boy frowned at the girl "Okay" he said softly as he turned, walking away from her.

Lexi waited for a moment before stepping back inside and shut the door, suddenly feeling sadness envelope her body. 

It had only been a few moments when the door opened again and she turned to see the same boy from before looking at her, determination in his eyes

"I'm sorry if it annoys you. But I can't just turn and walk away like that.  I'm never going to leave you, not even if you beg me to. I'll never stop loving and caring for you and I know you're hurting and I know I can't fix all your problems but I can promise you, you'll never have to face them alone ." Adam Banks said softly. 

The girl let out a quiet single sob as she ran towards the boy colliding with his chest as he held her in  hug. "I'm just so overwhelmed, I'm tired" the girl said sadly as the boy held her. "and I know it's silly but I feel like you and Charlie are trying to make me choose sides, I can only stretch so far before I snap. I love you both, I can't choose, I can't" she rambled out.  

Adam released the girl and held her at arm's length "I'm so sorry you feel like that Cutie. It's not fair, but don't ever feel like you have to choose, I know there's enough room in that big heart of your's for the both of us, ill try to not get you involved in any drama I have with your brother"

The girl let out a small smile "I love you" she said "and I'm sorry I didn't say it back in the cafeterias, I was just sad"

The boy sent her a reassuring smile "you don't have to say it back for me to know cutie, ill always know. I love you too"

Lexi felt grateful for the boy as she once again pulled him into a hug, the boy squeezing her back tightly stroking her hair with one hand.

"I need to go, I've got practise but ill come back tonight okay? I promise" the boy said softly as he released the girl.

Lexi nodded her head "I'll see you then" she smiled. 

The boy sent her a wink and walked out the door.

Lexi threw herself on the lounge and found herself smiling, she felt slightly happier as she managed to tell her boyfriend how she felt and to her relief he was accepting of her feelings and showed he wouldn't leave her as she had feared.

The girl had been reading for about 30 minutes when she heard the doorbell ring again "jeez, popular today" the girl mumbled as she stood up and walked towards the door.

She flung it open and looked up into the eyes of her brother "What was up with you today?" the boy questioned softly causing the girl to roll her eyes.

The boy didn't seem to understand women sometimes. "I'm over the fighting, you and Adam. You're trying to get me to choose sides, and I won't. I won't choose Charlie and I'm sorry if that upsets you but that's my decision, I love you but I love him too" she informed the boy, her tone sounding strong and decisive.

The boy nodded "I'm sorry if I made you feel like that, if you don't want to choose at the moment that's fine I can respect that". the girl smiled, ignoring the part where he said at the moment and pulled the boy into a hug gratefully.

The boy smiled slightly as he wrapped his arms around her "Love you Char" she muttered, slightly muffled due to her head being on his chest.

"I love you too Little Lexi"

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