"I don't know what's gotten into me"

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Lexi and Adam walked home together after school, the pair being luckily assigned as Partners for a science project.

Adam cheered when it was announced making the teacher look at him in annoyance and Lexi look at him and giggle.

The pair were walking towards their houses when Adam bent down to Lexi and sent her a smirk as he wrapped his arms around her "My house or yours nerd".

Lexi turned and sent him a pout "mean" she joked.

"Mine, stupid jock" she grinned, laughing as the boy sent her an offended look.

"You're a jock too" Adam pointed out, Lexi just tapped his shoulder gently "yes, but I'm not stupid" Adam faked a hurt look and pouted.

"Aww, I'm sorry gorgeous, did I offend you" she teased in a baby voice.

"Yes," The boy whined out, keeping the pout on his face.

"Aw no how can I fix that?" she mocked, the boy looked at her and lightly touched his lips with his finger.

"Kiss me," the boy said, pretending to be still sad. "Now that I can do" Lexi smiled.

"I love you" he grinned as he leant down to kiss the girl.

Lexi just fake yawned "eh" she muttered before turning around and running away.

The girl knew she wouldn't make it far before he caught her, but she found it pretty funny.

Hey!" Adam called out to his girlfriend as he caught up with her on the sidewalk.

The boy spun his girlfriend around and kissed her. The girl smiled hand, pressed her hands against his face gently. "Now, were you trying to leave me?"

The girl shook her head "I'd never leave you gorgeous, was simply getting my daily running requirement in" she teased.

"You don't like to run" Adam pointed out, causing the girl to sigh dramatically "Touche'" she nodded. "But its good for my health" she joked.

The pair had been sitting in Lexi's room for the past few hours, trying to make a start on the project, Adam was surprisingly more motivated than the girl, who found every little thing distracting.

"Look Gorgeous. I'm Spider-Man!" Lexi laughed as she leaned off the bed to meet the eyes of her boyfriend, who was sat on her floor leaning against her bed.

Adam laughed and leaned up, so his lips met hers.

"Leave the upside-down kisses to your friendly Neighbourhood spider," Adam told his girlfriend who gasped dramatically before she pushed her boyfriends face away.

The boy stood and stretched, "my ass hurts from sitting on the ground" he whined.

Lexi rolled her eyes "no one said you had to lay on the ground genius" she stated before she moved back and laid in her bed, her head sinking into multiple of her soft pillows as she let out a sigh of content.

Adam smiled. He bent down and nuzzled his head into her neck whilst wrapping his arms around her. Lexi smiled and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. The boy smiled and looked up at his girlfriend.

Lexi placed a kiss on to his lips, and he laughed as he pulled away with a smile and his cheeks tinted red. "You're adorable, like a little puppy" she teased as she lightly patted his head.

"I'm bored of this project" Adam whined, Lexi nodded in agreement, "Let's finish it later, it's pretty easy we will be fine. I wanna play cards" she said, causing the boy to grin.

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