Final Practice

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The JV time found themselves in the ice rink, having their final practice before the JV Varsity showdown.

"All right, I've been doing my homework on the varsity. I'm not gonna lie to you, they're good. The way they wiped your faces in the dirt last time was no fluke. So if you want your pride back, you better be willing to work. There's nothing glamorous about it. In the pros, we call it blue-collar hockey. Now there's one thing the varsity does very well. They're vultures around the net. They pick up every piece of loose trash. That's how they beat you. Not with the first shot; the second and the third. Then bang in the junk. So if you wanna win, you're gonna have to pick up the trash". Orion informed his team before turning the garbage can he was holding upside down causing the contents to spill all over the ice.

Lexi's weak stomach began to hurt and she had to stop herself from throwing up as she smelt the trash that smelt worse than one of Golberg's farts.

Adam pulled the girl into his arms allowing her to bury her face into his chest as she attempted to block out the smell.

Lexi felt physically sick as she looked over to Averman and noticed him pick up the bagel and sniff it, asking if anyone had any cream cheese.

The girl quickly threw her helmet on, smiling in relief as the smell was blocked and she moved to her position on the ice.

The ducks began to work on defending the net, sliding their bodies in front of the trash in an attempt to assist Julie with blocking the net.

Orion encouraged the team to take a quick break as they got changed into their normal clothes, rollerblading through the streets as they bent and picked up trash. Lexi turned to Adam and smiled up at him "I like that we are cleaning up, it annoys me seeing so much mess, if you can't clean your surrounding dont make it dirty, we only have one earth and people are destroying it" she whined to Adam.

The boy laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her into a kiss "your heart is so big my environmental warrior" he joked causing Lexi to reach out and jokingly push his chest.

The ducks had returned to the rink for the last part of their practice.

"Let's go ! Get over here ! Grab a knee! You guys are not skating like Warriors!" Orion yelled out, the team flinched nervously.

Lexi rolled her eyes and looked to Adam as the rest of the team looked around in confusion "Do they not see the big box of jerseys sitting there, its clearly a good thing?" she pointed out causing the boy to snicker.

"You look like something else. You look like Ducks" Orion stated as he opened the box, causing the team to smile, Lexi looked to Adam a grin on her face. "Told you"

Adam hopped up, heading towards the box grabbing both his and Lexi's jersey.

"Jeez Banks that jersey is like half your size" Charlie joked, causing the boy to jokingly roll his eyes as he skated towards his girlfriend.

"Here you go Cutie" Adam grinned, handing the girl her "Conway 12" Ducks jersey. Lexi smiled as she took it, holding it close. "Thanks gorgeous".

The team skated in a circle, hyping each other up in excited as they raised their sticks, fully confident in their abilities to take on varsity.

Adam and Lexi arrived back at the girls house, sitting on the lounge enjoying each others company.

"I have something for you" the boy muttered quietly, reaching out and pulling something out of his bag.

"Proposing already gorgeous? what are you doing we are 14!" Lexi said as he handed her a small box, she thrust the box forward placing it in his hands.

The boy rolled his eyes jokingly "shut up just open it" he said softly handing it back to her, nerves overtaking him as the small girl opened the box.

She looked at the ring and felt her heart soar as she examined its beauty and the engravement on it. She looked at her boyfriend and he began speaking.

"Its a promise ring, I'm not proposing just yet don't worry" Adam winked at the small girl

"I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring us many rainbows, I can't promise you tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy, but I can promise you my everlasting devotion, loyalty and unconditional love for a lifetime, I promise you I'll always be there for you, to listen and hold your hand and I'll always do my best to make you feel happy and make you feel loved because you are enough for me and you're all I'll ever need you have completely captured my heart Lexi Conway, You always have, and I choose you, and I will always choose you " The boy spoke softly, looking up and seeing the grin on the girls face, happy tears brimming.

"I love you" she stated softly, holding her hand out and allowing him to place the ring on her finger.

The boy gently placed in on before allowing the girl to drop her hand, she jumped at the boy, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her up, she kissed the boy running a hand through his hair.

The kiss deepened as Adam moved still holding Lexi and pushing her against the wall. The girl continued to run her hands through his hair as they made out.

The pair were interrupted by the voice of Lexi's brother "oh my god what the fuck" he yelled out scaring Adam who released his grip on Lexi and sent her falling to the floor.

Charlie walked over and helped his sister up, pulling her behind him like she was a child. "What the hell do you think you're doing, why are you engaging in pre-marital relations," he said protectively was he glared at Adam.

The boy held his hands up dramatically "why were you engaging in pre-marital relations with Linda whilst still dating Sadie" the boy pointed out causing Lexi to snort.

"Fair play Banks, fair play, just keep it PG now I'm here thanks" Charlie muttered out, dragging his duffle bag up the stairs to his room, Casey and Charlie had officially almost finished moving in.

The two laughed before heading upstairs to Lexi's room , throwing themselves onto her bed, the girl laying right on top of Adam as he played with her hair.

"I want three children" Adam grinned randomly, causing Lexi to look up at him, motioning for him to continue "Ethan, Elliot and Erin" he spoke simply.

"That's a lot of E's" Lexi laughed as she pecked the boy on the lips, ignoring the pang in her heart as she remembered her best friend.

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