Okay, get out

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Charlie Conway had arrived at Lexi's house ready for their sleepover, the boy had invited himself but Lexi didn't mind, the girl enjoyed spending time with him, besides she had a plan.

 The boy helped his sister grab the candy and drink and set them out on to the glass table. The girl smiled as she grabbed pillows and blankets and threw them to the spot where they were going to sit and watch movies. 

Charlie excused himself and went upstairs to get changed as Lexi went to answer the door. She smiled at her boyfriend and allowed him in. "Oh, just so you know Charlie is he-" 

"What's he doing here?" Charlie asked as he hit the bottom step.

 He was now in sweatpants and a t-shirt. "He's here for the sleepover, Char," Lexi told her brother as she sat down on the couch with Adam. 

Charlie rolled his eyes as he sat on the other side. "You didn't say he would be here" the boy spat. Lexi just shrugged "you're the one who invited himself, we already had plans". she informed as she motioned to Adam

The tension in the room was so thick Lexi thought she could cut it with a knife.

The 3 were playing Mario Kart and Charlie had been making a point to not try to play the game properly but rather purposely crashing into Adam's Car. Lexi knew what the boy was doing but could only hope Adam would ignore it. Spoiler Alert he didn't.

"Always the cheater" Adam mumbled, Lexi, squeezed her eyes shut and prayed her brother hadn't heard it. "Always the traitor" Charlie spat back.

"Ever since I went to Varsity you've been a real asshole" Adam spoke as he made eye contact with the boy over Lexi's head.

Chalie just scoffed "Maybe you're the asshole, who just abandons their girlfriend and best friends".

Adam frowned "You know that's not fair, you know what my dad's like. He made me" the boy spoke, his tone showing sadness.

"Whatever Preppy" Charlie spat out, standing up "You got a problem with me, Conway? Take a swing" Adam mocked the boy as he also stood.

Fed up with the arguing Lexi stood up and looked between the two boys she loved most in the world "Okay get out! Both of you! I can't take it anymore!" She grabbed their hands and lead them to the door. 

"I thought you'd be able to put aside your differences for at least one night, but apparently you can't, not even for me" she muttered as they all arrived at the front door.

"Cutie, come on I'm sorry" Adam muttered hoping to get back in the girls good books, Charlie just glared at the boy.

She gave both of them sorry looks as she shoved their jackets and shoes into their hands. "I can't deal with all this arguing. It hurts me.  You're supposed to be best friends.... what happened?" Lexi said as she shoved them out of her house and closed and locked her front door. 

The girl watched as Charlie gave Adam an angry look before shoving him, the pair walking the same way awkwardly. 

She looked out the window and saw Adam and Charlie stood outside the Banks household arguing. 

They were arguing over who got them kicked out of Lexi's house. As they went over points on who's pissed Lexi off more in the past few weeks, neither of them even realized that it's been both of them. 

They've been arguing over stupid things for so long that she just lost it. But since the kids were both idiots, that idea went over their heads and Adam gave Charlie one last dirty look before heading into his house.

The girl had moped around her house for the remainder of the night in annoyance over the two boys, deciding to shower and head to bed earlier than usual.

A few hours later Adam Banks had been sat on his bed. His dad was yelling at him for some reason, either his hockey performance or school grades, or both. 

"You aren't made to be second best Adam" His dad spat out "You need to be number one. So far I've been nothing but disappointed in you".

"I'm trying my best dad, really," the boy said softly before looking up "if that's not good enough for you then I'm sorry, I don't care, I am sick of trying to please you all the time and never being good enough, just because you failed doesn't mean you need to push me so hard".

Well, he didn't care until his cheek started stinging. He touched his hand to it and looked up to his dad who looked like he had seen a ghost. "Adam." Phillip muttered but the boy didn't hear the rest as he ran out of his room.

The boy sprinted past his mother who yelled out at him in confusion, grabbing his keys to Lexis house and rushing out his front door.

The girl shot up in shock when her bedroom door was thrown open. She rushed out of bed when she switched her light on and saw her boyfriend standing there, cheek red and tears streaming down his face. 

"I know you're mad at me" the boy choked out, "but I don't have anywhere else to go"

The girl just pulled him into her arms and let him cry. The pair eventually found themselves on the girl's bed, the boy having a tight grip on his girlfriend, refusing to let her go. "What happened," the girl asked carefully as she ran her fingers through her boyfriend's hair.

"My dad," the boy said simply "he was telling me how much i sucked and i told him i was sick of trying to please him all the time and he hit me" the boy finished softly. 

"He hit you?!" the girl yelled, "I'm going over there to kick his ass" she spat as she went to stand, the boy pulled her back down.

"No, don't get involved, I want you to stay here with me" he begged, the girl simply reached over and placed a kiss on his lips "I love you" she smiled "and you'll always be enough for me. You're perfect the way you are Adam Banks and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

The boy let out a small smile "I'm sorry about today, I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to hurt you by fighting with charlie, we just can't seem to get along is all"

"Don't worry about it, we can talk about it later" the girl informed him as she made herself comfortable on his chest.

"Did you know I love you?" Adam asked his girlfriend as he ran his hand up her leg softly. It was two in the morning and neither of them had been able to fall asleep.

"Really? I didn't know that." Lexi replied sarcastically as she turned to face her boyfriend who had a cheeky grin on his face. Lexi pecked his lips and he smiled.

The next morning the pair found themselves lazing around together, they had showered and gotten ready for the day but had no motivation to go anywhere.

Sensing the lingering sadness of the boy,the girl hopped up, perching herself on the edge of the bed

"Catch me!" Lexi giggled as she tipped over. Adam sighed as he held his arms out. Lexi fell on top of him and Adam laughed as he wrapped his arms around the girl "you're absolutely adorable. Never forget that Lexi Conway."

Adam and Lexi sat on the floor in the girl's bedroom. They were doing math homework together when Adam moved all the stuff out of the way and pulled his girlfriend on to his lap.

Lexi gave him a questioning look before he kissed her softly. "I hate math homework."

The girl just giggled as she wrapped her arms around him "I know, Adam."

"You know" The girl started as she closed her homework book "we can finish this later, there's a really cool movie I want to see, can we go,?" she asked with a grin

"Is it that chick flick one?" the boy questioned as the girl responded with a nod "Forget about it then" the boy laughed.

"But" she began, but the boy cut her off " I don't want to see that movie Lexi" the boy stated trying to sound firm

"Please!!" Lexi begged as she scooted closer to her boyfriend and gave him a pleading look as she stuck out her bottom lip.

Adam tried to hide his smile but couldn't as he got up and held his hand out for his girlfriend "come on, Cutie, we have a movie to catch."

The girl let out an excited squeal as she sprung off the bed, rushing over to the boy and clutching his hand.

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