Are you okay?

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Adam Banks sat at his desk trying to do his homework, his eyes drifted to Lexis' window and he frowned slightly as he noticed her curtains were closed

The boy jumped slightly as his door was thrown open. He turned his attention to the figure standing there. 

"Hi" the boy stated, confused at the sudden intrusion.

"What the hell is this" the voice spoke angrily, holding up a piece of paper. Adam felt his heart drop.

"It's a B" he mumbled, refusing to make eye contact.

"I know it's a B" Phiilip Banks spoke out, his tone angry. "Why did you get a B Adam, we dont get B's in this house, why aren't you good enough to get an A, do you even try. You're never going to get anywhere in life if you aren't number one" the man said as he looked at his son in disgust.

"I'm sorry, I'll try harder next time, I've just got a lot on my plate with hockey and school" the boy said, standing as he looked over to his father.

"You're not doing well Adam, im disappointed, what happened to you" the man spoke. 

"What happened to you, you're being an asshole" Adam mumbled back, his eyes flashing with regret as he realised his father had heard.

The man simply took two large strides and once again his hand met Adam's face. The boy's head moved to the side on impact and he looked back at his father who was once again seemingly in shock.

Philip Banks wasn't a cruel man, he loved his son but when it came to being number one he took it very seriously, he placed expectations so high on the boy that they were almost impossible to achieve, but when the boy didn't achieve them he was punished, usually by a slap in the face.

Adam held his face, not letting his father speak as he rushed downstairs towards his girlfriend, little did he know the girl had seen. 

Lexi was sat at her desk night trying to finish her homework so she could have the rest of the week off.

She heard yelling from next-door and raised her eye browns in confusion, throwing open her blinds and looking into Adam's room.

The girl noticed Phil, hovering over Adam, holding a piece of paper, seemingly in a heated conversation. She guessed it was about the B he had gotten on their math test.

The girl watched as Adam stood, meeting his fathers eyes and spoke back, he didn't seem angry though, he seemed heartbroken.

Lexi continued to watch, she knew she was being nosey but she couldn't bring herself to care, she was concerned about her boyfriend, she knew Ann wasn't home so it was just the two boys.

The girl felt anger coarse through her body as she watched Phil raise his hand and slap Adam across the face, she watched as the boy shot up and ran out of the room.

She shot up too, racing down the stairs and out her front door, noticing Adam exiting at the same time. 

The boy saw his girlfriend and immediately felt the tears start to flow. They met in the middle of both driveways and the girl took her sobbing boyfriend in her arms.

"It's okay gorgeous, you're okay" the girl whispered softly as she rubbed his back gently, her heart breaking for the boy.

She pulled away, anger still fuelling her as she saw the tears on the boys face. "Okay" she said, clenching her fists, turning on her heel and walking towards the Banks house.

"Where are you going" he asked, voice cracking as he saw the girl walking away. 

"To give that assshole father of yours a piece of my mind" the girl yelled, gritting her teeth.

"Cutie, it's alright, don't worry" he said sadly, but it was too late, he girl had arrived on the porch, and had thrown the door open.

Adam rushed over, quickly following, wanting to make sure the small girl was okay. He entered and watched as Lexi walked into his kitchen where Philip was sitting at the counter.

"Hey" she snapped, getting the mans attention. "What the hell was that, I saw what you did"the girl spat.

"Lexi you don't get it, just listen" the man began, the glare Lexi sent him though silenced him.

"No Phil you listen" the girl stated as she walked closer to him, clenching her fists. Adam's eyes widened, he knew a rant was coming. 

"This boy has spent his whole life trying to please you, he did everything you wanted, he gave up things for you, he begged you for acceptance but nothing he ever seems to do is good enough, and I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries here but when I look out my window and see you slap the boy l am in love with I'm not going to stand by and do nothing. So, he is coming with me to my house, and he is going to stay with me a while because I don't want him over here getting treated like your personal punching bag" the girl said angrily, before turning to her boyfriend. 

"Go upstairs and pack some more stuff gorgeous, ill wait down here" she stated, sending him a soft smile, reassuring him it was okay. 

The boy nodded, walking past his father without making eye contact and heading upstairs, the girl turned her attention back to Phil.

"I know you love him, but you never ever raise your hand to someone, this is the 2nd time I've heard about this happening and I'm sure there's been many more. Let them tell you something, Phil. I might have to like you because let's face it, you'll be my father in law one day, but I don't have to respect you, I don't have to respect people who think it's okay to lay a hand on anyone. I've held that boy while he cried over not being good enough for you, while he cried because his body was in pain because he pushed himself so hard trying to be the hockey player you wanted him to be, while he cried over getting an A-minus because he knew he'd be punished for not being number one. But he doesn't need to be your number one, because he's mine. You're toxic Philip, you want him to be everything you weren't and I know deep down you're jealous.  He has made so many sacrifices for you so you could have the life you want, the perfect son you want. But your child shouldn't have to make sacrifices so you can have the life you want, you should be making sacrifices so that gorgeous boy upstairs can have the life he deserves. He doesn't need your love, I can give him enough for the both of us, I have been my whole life " The girl spoke, not needing to yell, the disappointment in her tone said it all.

Phil was seemingly speechless, he had nothing to say, he felt guilt and heart ache at what the small girl had said.

Adam headed downstairs and Lexi sent him a small smile "Ready to go gorgeous" she said softly as she offered her hand. 

The boy reached out and took it, again not making eye contact with his father and the pair began heading towards the door. 

"Adam" Phil muttered out pathetically, the boy stopped walking and took a deep breath, before he could respond though Lexi stepped in once again, her protectiveness coming back.

"You don't get to speak to him, not after what you did. Have fun explaining this to Ann" the girl stated, pulling her boyfriend outside. 

The boy said nothing as he allowed the girl to drag him into her room, she took his bag off of his shoulder and placed it on the ground. 

She sat him down on the bed and gently took his hand. "Are you okay?" she spoke, causing the boy to snap his attention to her. 

"Thank you for defending me" Adam spoke out, Lexi smiled slightly, remembering when she'd said the same thing to Adam not that long ago.

"I'll always defend you gorgeous, you never have to thank me" the girl spoke, reaching over and pecking his cheek.

The boy nodded, smiling softly before moving himself so he was laying down on the girls bed.

Lexi moved herself and laid beside him placing her arm on his stomach as she rested her head on his chest, the boy threw his arms around her and held her tight.

 "I love you gorgeous" the girl stated, looking up at the boy. 

"I love you too Cutie, and as long as I have you, that's all ill ever need" Adam spoke out softly.

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