Say something

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(Hi, triple upload today oop sorry, Please comment, that shit makes my day)

Adam Banks had been seated on the front porch of Lexi Conway, the boy wasn't sure how long he had been waiting but it felt like a lifetime, he didn't care though. He would sit there for weeks if it meant he could see the small girl.

He needed to talk to her,  he had things he had to say.

He heard footsteps approaching and he looked up, his heartbeat quickening as he made eye contact with the girl.

"Hey Gorgeous" Lexi said softly, sending him a small smile.

The boy felt happiness fill him, she'd called him gorgeous. He wasn't sure if it was out of habit or what but he was just happy she said it.

Lexi knew what she was going to do, she'd already decided, the second she saw him she realised what she had to do, that didn't stop the boy from standing up and speaking, trying his best to change her mind.

The girl approached him, walking until she stopped in front of him, standing close enough to see him and his sad eyes clearly, the girl felt her heart melt.

"I know you think by leaving me, you're helping me." The boy said firmly "I know you think you're setting me free to find someone else, I know you think I'm better off without you".

Lexi felt tears brim her eyes as she nodded slowly, beginning to speak "that's right, you are, its for the best" she said, repeating the same line she'd been using to justify her actions. Adam just shook his head frantically.

"No. No, it's not because I need you," Adam Banks said as he looked at the girl, feeling tears brim his eyes "I need you more than I've needed anyone. You make me laugh more than anyone else and I'm at my best when I'm with you when you're gone nothing feels right. These past few days have been the saddest few days of my life, for the first time ever I know what loneliness feels like. There's not been a day that's gone by since you were born that I haven't spent loving you, even when we were just friends". The boy said softly as he cleared his throat, choking back the tears that had begun to flow faster.

"I can't do life without you, Lexi, I don't want to have to do life without you. I've learnt a perfect relationship isn't actually perfect at all, it does though consist of two people who never give up on each other despite any hurt or pain and I don't care how complicated it gets, I'm willing to fight because I need you. Because I want you. Because I love you, Alexis Conway and I'm sorry if it inconveniences you but I will never ever stop loving you no matter how hard it gets or how much we fight or argue and I will never leave you. I promise. You are enough, you're more then enough, you're more than a thousand times enough and standing here, I look at you and I can't believe you think you're not enough because for me you're my everything, Lexi. I'm not going anywhere, I won't leave. I won't give up and you can bet I'll be here every single time you need me, you can doubt me and you can try to push me away because you think I'll just leave you anyway but that will never be true, because Lexi,  I don't care if there are a hundred million reasons to leave, you're the only reason I'll ever need to stay" the boy said, confidence in his tone but also sadness as the tears continued to drip down his face.

Lexi felt her heart stop. The boy looked at her in desperation, he had finished speaking but she was yet to respond. "Please say something" he begged softly.

The girl cleared her throat, shaking her head "I'm so sorry" she muttered.

The boy sighed, turning and beginning to walk away. He had tried, that was all he could do, he knew he could never get over the heartbreak he was feeling.

Lexi felt her heart break all over again, this wasn't what she wanted.

"I'm so sorry about the way I handled things" she yelled out, getting the boys attention, he turned to her and looked at her, gazing into her eyes and saw the emotions pouring through.

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