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Adam Banks pulled away shocked, his brain ticking over as he turned to look at the girl who had kissed him "what the hell was that" he heard the voice of Sadie ring out as she stood.

The boy turned to look at his friend as he began to frantically explain "Sade, I swear i pulled away i didn't want that, i pulled away" the boy rambled.

Sadie looked at him in ager before smiling softly "I know adam, I saw. I'm not talking to you I'm talking to this bitch" the girl said as she turned her attention to the girl.

Sadie nodded her head, moving to the girl and slapping her across the face  "You're a slut, you knew he has a girlfriend and you kissed him anyway, desperate bitch. You best hope this doesn't ruin their relationship because if it does i know there's a whole JV team ready to fuck your shit up"

The brunette girl took a step back but Sadie reached out and grabbed her collar, pulling her close "put up your fists, you and i are about to do some dancing" Lexi's friend whispered in the sluts ear.

"I need to tell Lexi" Adam muttered "I don't want to be dishonest"

Sadie nodded towards the door "go, I got this, ill kick her ass"

The boy nodded in thanks and rushed towards the cafeteria needing the girl in his arms,.

"Hey Guy, wheres Lexi? i gotta talk to her" Adam rushed out as he arrived at the table,  frowning as he watched Guy frown.

"She went to take you lunch like 10 minutes ago, I'm surprised you didn't see her," The best friend told him. 

Adam felt his eyes widen, the girl had seen. He had no idea what she had seen but he knew if she wasn't back at the lunch table it must not have been good.

"What?" Guy asked, his face turning confused, Adam decided against telling the boy, not feeling like getting his ass kicked right then and there. 

"Whats going on?" Alex asked as he leaned across the table at the mention of Lexi.

Adams eyes widened even further, he couldn't speak he couldn't tell them. He knew sadie would, he just had to go.

"i gotta go" the boy rushed out "cover for me in last period" The boy told Alex before running out of the cafeteria.

The boy knew it wasn't a good choice to leave school but he knew he needed to see the girl, he couldn't lose her. Not like this. He threw on his skates and headed towards the girl's house, anxiety filling him more and more every moment.

The boy rushed to the door and rang the doorbell, trying to calm his shaking self.

"Cutie," The boy said as the door was thrown open and the girl stood before him, refusing to look at him

"I don't wanna see you right now" the girl sniffled out.

"Lexi, it's not what you think it is, please," the boy said as tears brimmed his eyes

The girl looked up at him with tear-filled eyes "I saw the kiss gorgeous," she muttered sadly "I saw her kiss you and you didn't pull away" she added as she took a quivering breath 

 "In that one moment you broke my heart but the sad thing is, I still love you with all its pieces, stupid me right? I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted, I love you and I'm sorry that that isn't good enough " she sobbed out.

The girl took another deep breath and moved her eyes finally look up at her boyfriend "Please, Please leave, I can't stand to look at you, it hurts me too much I'm done. I can't do this relationship anymore, i can't stand here and watch the boy I've always loved break my heart, please Adam just go" she whispered in a pleading tone.

"Lexi, let me explain" her boyfriend begged, she had it all wrong but the girl just simply shook her head "Please, just go" she repeated as she whispered out brokenly not giving the boy a chance to talk before she shut the door.

The girl slid down the door with her head in her hands, letting out sobs as she felt her heartbreak all over again. Adam stood outside the girl's door, frustrated tears brimming his eyes he knew he had broken her but he needed to make her understand, he pulled away the second he had realised what was happening, he even had Sadie as a witness.

The boy stopped and turn, he could hear the girl sitting on the other side of the door, he had to make her listen. The boy pressed his face against the glass and spoken in a loud enough voice that she could hear him over the sobs

"I pulled away, Lexi, I pulled away the second I realised what was happening. You just walked away too quickly. You can even ask Sadie, she was there and she slapped the shit out of the girl once I pulled away. I'd never do that to you cutie, come on you know I wouldn't. I love you too much to ever hurt you like that, there's no other person in this world I want or need more than you.  "the boy begged in a pleading tone through the door.

The boy took a step back as the door opened, tears in his eyes as he begged her to listen to him.

"You pulled away?" The girl said, not realising the shakiness in her voice. 

"I pulled away," Adam confirmed softly, making eye contact with the girl. 

"Do you promise?" the girl said as her eyes met her boyfriends, he saw the innocence and hope in them and immediately wanted to wrap her up in his arms.

"I promise" he started causing the girl to crack, she launched herself into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist as the boy held her tightly. 

"I'm so sorry I jumped to conclusions, you know me I'm just a basket case sometimes" she muttered as the boy kissed the side of her head.

"It's okay cutie, you saw a kiss and ran, you had no way to know what happened afterwards" he reassured her "I'm sorry for breaking your heart after i promised to care for it".

"I love you" Lexi said softly, still wrapped around the boy.

"I love you too cutie, i always will"  Adam responded in a tone almost as soft as the girls.

"I'm going to kick that girls ass tomorrow" lexi gritted out as Adam put her down. 

Adam simply laughed at his small girl "Sadie beat you too it" he informed her as lexi giggled.

"I love her, but still im kicking her ass too"

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