It's Official

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*time skip to D3* (there will be a few chapters before the ducks go to Eden Hall )

Lexi was sitting on her couch reading her favourite book "Pride and Prejudice" when she heard a knock on the door, she hopped up and headed towards the front door seeing some mail be slipped through the slot . She bent down and picked the letters up noticing one addressed to her and one addressed to her brother who wasn't here at the moment. 

The girl opened the envelope and immediately felt tears spring to her eyes, scanning the paper. It was her certificate of adoption, she officially and legally was a Conway. The girl couldn't stop the happy tears from streaming down her face. She had to tell her cousin, or brother now she guessed.

Not waiting for a ride because she knew Casey was at work and Isaac was at Hayleys the girl threw on her skates and quickly went out the front door, holding the letter tightly and beginning the 10 mile skate to Charlie's house. The girl felt the wind blow her hair as she sped down the streets grinning, she had never been so happy in all her life.

It felt like hours but in true fact Lexi had made it to Charlie's house in record time, she threw off her skates and raced up the stairs to the small apartment. She felt tears spill out of her eyes again as she banged on the door.

She was met with the sight of a tired looking Charlie Conway, the boy had obviously just woken up for his sleep. Lexi took a moment to look at the boy, in the past few months everyone seemed to have fully hit puberty. 

All of the boys on the team had grown quite significantly in height. All of the ducks were also now 14, except for Fulton and Dean who were 15 and Lexi who was at the moment still 13 for a little bit.

Charlie  himself had a massive growth spurt and was one of the tallest in the team standing at almost 6 foot, the only ones taller than the boy were Fulton, Dean and Adam. Lexi unfortunately had hardly grown in height but she was pretty excited to notice her A cup boobs move to a pleasant C cup.

Lexi was snapped out of her thoughts to see the boy looking down on her questionably. "Hey Little Lexi" the boy said as he rubbed his eyes and pulled the girl into a hug, once he pulled away he had managed to properly wake up and he looked at the girl frowning when he noticed the tears on her face. 

"Why are you crying?" he asked her "who hurt you? Who's ass do I need to kick?" he said as he protectively wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

The girl just laughed and pulled away wordlessly handing the boy the letter, watching as he skimmed it quickly before looking down at the girl "happy tears?" he questioned, with a massive grin forming on his face.

The girl nodded smiling "I'm officially a Conway now Char, I'm legally your sister" she said softly as the boy grabbed her in a hug, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Its going to be funny calling you my sister now instead of my cousin" the boy joked causing he girl to laugh in agreement.

He placed her down and looked at her, the smile not once leaving his face "so little sister" he said emphasising the word sister.  "Whats your plan for the day?" he questioned.

The girl shrugged Adam had gone to a hockey camp over the summer, the girl hadn't seen her boyfriend for 6 weeks and she had never felt so alone knowing he wasnt next door. "I was reading, then I came here. No plans for the rest of the day though" she shrugged. 

The boy pulled her inside "wait for me to go change and we can go back to your house and play video games" he spoke with a grin, he always preferred Lexi's house. Due to her family income she had loads of big spaces for them to hang as well as all the latest technology.

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