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Lexi Conway quickly changed into her hockey gear after school, smiling as she talked to Alex who was tying his skates. "Ready to be pushed to our limit, Larson?" Lexi joked as she sat down to tie her skates.

Alex let out a small laugh as he finished his skates. The boy stood up and grabbed the jersey off the hook, smiling at the number on the back.

"Yeah, I am." Alex slipped the jersey over his head and pulled the girl off the bench, a smile on his face.

"Let's go, Conway." Alex joked as he grabbed his hockey stick and dragged her out of the locker room.

Lexi rolled her eyes playfully and stepped on to the ice with her best friend. As soon as everyone's skates were on the ice Orion barked out orders for them to start their laps, which they did.

Lexi and Alex caught up to Connie and Guy who were in quiet conversation about school and Guy's grades dropping. "Your grades are dropping?" Lexi asked her friend, a small frown on her face. 

"I can relate." Alex told them as he draped his arm around Lexi's shoulders.

"You two really need to study." She told them with a laugh as Orion blew his whistle, calling the group over.

"Believe me, we're trying." Guy said as Alex nodded in agreement "I'll help you, we can have a study session" Lexi smiled softly, causing the boys to send her thankful nods.

Practice went extremely long, Lexi noticing that Charlie's attitude seemed to be slightly better, she was hoping that he was finally over his seemingly never-ending bitch fit.

The girl walked out of the locker rooms, Guy running slightly to catch up with her before she got in her brother's car. 

"Hey Lex, Connie is having tomorrow off school, shes not been feeling well. Do you wanna walk together?" he proposed.

Lexi nodded before jokingly placing her hand on her heart "nice to know I'm second choice best friend" she teased, Guy just shook his head laughing "oh please you know I'm not your first choice either".

Lexi turned serious "you are, well you and Alex are tied " she pointed out "I'm not with my first choice anymore remember?" she frowned.

Guy went to speak but Lexi cut him off, simply getting into the car. "I love you, I'll come by your house tomorrow" she stated, before winding up the window, not giving Guy a chance to respond.

The next morning Lexi Conway woke up to her alarm blaring loudly throughout her room. She moved her hand around her bedside table before she found it, slamming her hand down on the object to silence her.

Atleast it was finally friday.

The girl rolled over to stare at her ceiling, knowing she had to get up soon to walk to Guy's house since they were going to school together.

The girl slowly dragged herself out of bed and to her closet. She picked out a plain white blouse and a pair of jean shorts. The girl grabbed her team USA windbreaker to pair with the outfit.

Lexi walked into her bathroom and changed, realizing she had no time for a shower since that was the third time she had hit her snooze button she mentally praised herself for showering the night prior.

The blonde pulled her hair out of its bun and brushed it before she brushed her teeth and slipped her jacket on, skipping out of her bathroom, she quickly grabbed her backpack and slipped her Vans on that were sitting near her door.

The small girl ran down the stairs and swiped an apple from the kitchen before giving Isaac and hug and rushing out the door, knowing she was going to be late. The girl arrived at Guy's house twenty minutes later.

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