I need you to have his back

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Lexi found herself heading with her best friend and boyfriend towards their final group members grave. It was a big deal for all of them, starting high school, and they all wanted to talk to their friend together. 

Lexi had visited with both boys at different times, but it was rare that all three went together. When they did though the wind blew a little harder and the air felt a little cooler, they knew it excited El to see them all together with her. 

Lexi had placed herself on her boyfriends back, not bothering to walk. The boy effortlessly carried her as she rested her head on his shoulder, shutting her eyes as she listened to the boys make small talk about hockey camp and their old best friend, McGill. 

"Did you hear he went to Juvie?" Alex said, causing Adam to laugh and Lexi's eyes to snap open "What?" her boyfriend laughed. 

"Yeah for Truancy, he just stopped showing up to school, then when the police tried to make him come back he started trying to beat them all up," Alex said, rolling his eyes. 

"Poor Guy" Lexi sadly causing Adam and Alex to stop and look at the girl eyebrows raised. 

"What?" she shrugged "he was our friend for so long, and despite his mistakes, I feel bad, Juvie would be a pretty scary place".

The other two just nodded slightly and continued walking "Your heart is too big Lexi" her boyfriend said as he lightly tapped her leg. "Just like my Ellie" Alex mumbled.

The three continued their journey and shortly arrived at the grave of Elliot Cruise. Adam bent down, allowing Lexi to hop off his back as the three sat down in front of the girls grave, Lexi smiled slightly at the image she had of Ellie sitting down in front of them, smiling happily ready to listen. 

Lexi sat quietly letting Adam and Alex talk to the girl first about their summer. When it was her turn, she spoke up "I wish you were here to go to high school with us Lio, Ad and I got scholarships to Eden Hall. That means Al is going to have to go to school alone" the girl said as she frowned at the boy who sent her a soft smile before Adam dragged him away and left Lexi alone with her best friend.

"Okay Ellie, I need you to have his back okay? I know you already do, but I worry he will be alone, trust me I know what it feels like to be lonely and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It will help to know you're with him by his side, not that you wouldn't be, I know you've never let him. Little Miss love sick puppy". The girl teased as she smiled at where she thought Ellie would be sitting. 

The girl watched as the flower at the girls grave once again blew side to side, and she smiled in relief. "Thanks, El, ill be back in a few days, I truly do wish you were here, it sucks taking on the world without you." the girl said as she smiled softly and stood up heading over to the two boys and took hold of Adams' hand. 

The three teens headed towards Alex's house, Adam and Lexi deciding to walk the boy home. School started in two days, and they knew they wouldn't see the boy as much so they wanted to spend as much time with their other best friend as they could.

"We will hang out the first day after school and get milkshakes, and you can tell us all about it okay?" Lexi rambled as she pulled the boy into a hug, holding him like she was his mother despite her being younger and much smaller. 

Adam held his hand out for a fist bump, and Alex laughed, tapping his fist with it slightly. "Catch you in a few days dude," Adam said to the boy as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand and began the walk back to their houses. "Ellie has your back Alex. I promise" Lexi yelled out as the boy started to walk inside. 

The boy froze slightly and turned around, sending the girl a smile and a wave before heading inside his house. "Hey Gorgeous, any gas left in the car?" the girl teased as the boy rolled his eyes jokingly and squatted down, allowing the girl to hop onto his back. 

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