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The week goes smoothly. Well, in all honesty, it was a train wreck, but it could've been worse. One girl peed her pants because she was too scared to raise her hand and when she starts crying, 4 other kids started crying. 

Sangjun barely talks. He only talks when someone else starts a conversation with him but he usually responds by shaking his head, nodding, or shrugging.

The next Monday is a special day at school for Kindergarteners. Since kids usually get homesick, the school has frequent "Bring Your Parent to School" days. This day happens to be a day when kids bring their dad. 

Jimin can't help but wonder what Sangjun's dad will be like. Probably quiet and shy. Maybe around his mid-thirties. Maybe he wears glasses and button up shirts.

Sangjun walks into the room and Jimin stands up. He opens his mouth to talk when a younger looking guy walks into the room. He looks no older than 22. Jimin's jaw drops but he closes his mouth.

Why is Sangjun's dad so young? Was he a teen dad? Jimin shakes the thoughts away. Sangjun walks up to his desk and tugs on Jimin's sleeve. He points at the young man who waves. Jimin waves back and Sangjun drags him over. 

Jimin shakes the person's hand. "Hi. I'm Mr. Park."

"I'm Jungkook."

Jimin bites his tongue so he doesn't ask any questions but Jungkook notices how uncomfortable he looks. "I'm not his dad, by the way. I'm his older brother."

Jimin laughs lightly. "I'm not gonna lie, I was really confused. You just look really young."

"I'm a junior at Georgia Tech."

"So... 21 years old?"

"Yeah. You look young too. Are you old enough to be a teacher?"

"I'm 23. I'm a new teacher. By the way, your brother is really quiet. He's a breath of fresh air compared to the other kids."

"He's really shy. He has a hard time making friends."

"He has one friend in this class. Well, I think they're friends. Her name is Emily and she shares her lunch with him sometimes."

Jungkook smiles. "That's good to hear."

"If you're a college student, then why are you here? Don't you have classes?"

"I've talked to my professors and they excused me."

"Not trying to be too annoying, but why couldn't Sangjun's dad come?"

"He's not really in the picture. We have a single mom."

"Oh. Sorry for asking."

"It's okay."

"Will I get to meet his mom on Bring Your Mother to School day?"

"She lives and works in Korea full time. I'm Sangjun's legal guardian."

Jimin walks over to his desk and pulls out his phone. "Since you're probably busy with college work, you can always contact me if he needs help with homework."

Jungkook smiles. "That's a relief." He hands his phone to Jimin and they exchange numbers.



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