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Jimin knocks on the apartment door and waits. Jungkook opens the door. "Hey."

Jimin smiles. "Hi. I brought stuff to stay over again just in case you wanted me to. Where's Sangjun."

"Sitting at the table like usual."

"Okay. He's learned most of the alphabet by now so we're going to start with reading soon." Jimin walks to the table and sits down. "Hey bud."

"You were right."  

"About what?"

"The class thinks I'm a prince."


"Yeah. All of girls are asking if I can make them princesses and the boys want to be my guards. Tim wanted to be the king but I told him no."

Jimin smiles. "I'm glad our plan worked. Are you ready to work on the alphabet some more? We only have a few letters left."



After finishing the alphabet, Sangjun starts drawing a diplodocus for Jimin. He makes him leave the room so it can be a surprise, so Jimin goes to Jungkook's room and quietly knocks on the door.

Jungkook opens it. "Hey. Are you done with Sangjun?"

"Yeah. I just thought I'd drop my stuff off in your room. He's drawing a dinosaur for me right now and he doesn't want me to see it until it's done. Are you done with your homework?"

"Almost. I just have to finish solving an equation. You can sit on my bed until I'm done."

Jimin walks in and puts his stuff down. He looks around at all of the posters plastered on the wall while Jungkook solves the rest of the math problem. There's a bookshelf with things that look like signed books.

Jungkook sets his pencil down and sighs. "Ok. I'm finally done."

"What are those signed books?" Jimin points at them and Jungkook chuckles. "They aren't books. They're Kpop albums. My mom sends me them because she goes to fan signs. Most of the albums are from EXO and Astro."

Jimin tilts his head. "I don't know what those are."

Jungkook scoffs. "You don't know EXO and Astro? I thought you were Korean."

"I am but I don't know anything about Korean pop culture. I usually listen to Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift."

Jungkook chuckles. "I can teach you about it if you want."

Jimin shrugs. "I'll tell you in the future if I'm interested."



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