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Jungkook is writing notes in one of his lectures when he feels a tap on his shoulder. It's a girl who looks very nervous. "Sorry, can I borrow a pencil?"

Jungkook nods and wordlessly hand her a pencil, returning to his notes. He feels her eyes on him for the rest of the lecture. If it were a month ago, Jungkook would've enjoyed a girls staring at him, but now he feels uncomfortable.

The class ends so Jungkook starts packing. The girl hands him back the pencil and grins, blushing. "Thank you..." Jungkook takes the pencil and puts it in his backpack. He gets up to leave and the girl jogs lightly to catch up to him.

"What's your number?"

Jungkook avoids eye contact at all costs. "I'm sorry, but I'm already with somebody."

"Like... dating or just hooking up?"


"Oh... Can I still have your number? We can be friends instead."

Jungkook chuckles. "I'm not stupid. If I give you my number so we can be 'friends', you'll just flirt with me and try to convince me to cheat."

"That's not something I would do."

Jungkook sighs softly. "That may be the case, but I don't like taking chances. I don't want to have flirty texts on my phone."

"I guess that makes sense... Who's your girlfriend?"

"I have a boyfriend, actually."

Her eyes grow wide and she gulps. "Oh. I'm sorry for assuming that you had girlfriend–"

Jungkook grins slightly. "It's fine. It happens all the time. What's your name?"


"I'm Jungkook."

"Nice to meet you." She checks her phone. "I have to get to my next class, but if you ever decide that you're okay with us being friends, tell me." She waves and runs off.


I don't know if I'm gonna make the Nina girl good or bad or if I'm even gonna mention her again, so don't get too nervous.

I don't know if I'm gonna make the Nina girl good or bad or if I'm even gonna mention her again, so don't get too nervous

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