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Jungkook lays down in his bed and scrolls through his phone, waiting for Jimin to finish brushing his teeth.

Jimin walks into the room and closes the door. He lays down next to Kook. "Tell me more about your crazy friends so I know what to expect."

Jungkook turns his phone off. "Only 2 of them are coming over tomorrow. The first one is Mason. He's a bumbling idiot. The second one is a felow Asian named Neji. He's a bit more chill but still annoying."

Jimin giggles. "They sound interesting. What are they studying?"

"Mason is studying Engineering but for cars and Neji is studying something that has to do with computers.

"What music do they listen to?"

"Mason listens to a little bit of country but not enough that it's a problem. He usually goes for rap or even pop. Neji likes classic rock."

"What do you guys do when you hang out?"

"Usually play video games. Sometimes we go out to drink but I'm usually the one that stays sober. Just basic boy stuff."

"What video games do you play?"

"Lots of Call of Duty but we've been dabbling in Minecraft."

"I used to play Super Smash Bros a lot because I had a huge crush on all of the characters that had muscles."


"Yeah. I've never played Call of Duty. I've played Minecraft but I refer the PC version."

Jungkook chuckles. "I don't know why I didn't expect you to be into video games. I guess it's just hard for me to picture a kindergarten teacher having the same interests as college boys."

Jimin grins. "I feel like you haven't quite grasped the fact that I'm only 23. I graduated last year."

Jungkook thinks for a second. "It's just... All of my teachers have been at least in their late thirties."

"So does that mean your mind registers me as in my late thirties?"

"No. Not at all. You're a gumdrop. Or a unicorn. I haven't decided which one yet."



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