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Just realized that I never mentioned that Jungkook's friend Neji is Japanese.


Jimin sits on the couch in the apartment and FaceTimes Hoseok.

FaceTiming Hoseok...

Hoseok answers the call. He's cleaning up his kitchen and he smiles at the camera. "Hey chica. What's up?"

Jimin giggles. "Hi Seokie. How are you?"

"I'm great." He pauses cleaning and turns all of his attention to Jimin. "You look good."

"Thanks Hobi..."

"Where are you? That doesn't look like your apartment."

Jimin smiles. "It's my boyfriend's apartment. We moved in together."

"Ooo, Jiminie has a boyfriend. What's his name?"

"Jungkook. He goes to Georgia Tech and he's studying to become and engineer."

"How old is he and how did you meet him?"

"He's 21. He's my student's older brother."

Hoseok pauses. "He's your students what?"

"Older brother. They don't have a dad and their mom works full time in Korea."


"He's basically like his dad. He's really responsible. You should meet him sometime."

"Where is he?"

"Working on a project. If he finishes and we're still talking, I'll ask him to say hi."

"Is he good to you?"

"Yeah. He's a total sweetheart." Jimin smiles at just the thought of him.

"So I don't need to punch his face?"

Jimin giggles and shakes his head. "No~ he's nice. I can see if his brother wants to say hi to you. He got mad at me after class today for talking to someone other than Jungkook so I'm not sure if he'll want to."


Jimin walks to Sangjun's room and knocks on the door. "Kiddo?" The door opens. "Hey, do you wanna say hi to Hoseok–" Sangjun closes the door in Jimin's face.

Hoseok laughs. "He's funny. I like him."

"Well, he hates you."

"I can tell."

"I'm gonna check if Jungkook is close to done." He walks over to their bedroom door and knocks. "Kookie?" The door opens after a few seconds. "Are you almost done?" Jungkook nods.

Hoseok clears his throat.

Jungkook looks at Jimin's phone. "Uh. Hi?"

"Hey. I'm Hoseok. Jimin's friend since middle school."

"Oh. Nice to meet you."

"How long have you been dating Jimin?"

"2 weeks."

"If you ever break his heart, I'll kill you."

Jimin giggles. "Stop threatening him. I told you, he's nice."



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