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Jungkook walks into the classroom with Sangjun the next day and sets a chocolate bar on Jimin's desk. "Since you don't want me kissing you in school, I brought you this instead."

Jimin blushes. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you."

"Do you want to go on another date tonight?"

"But it isn't Tuesday."

"I'll hire a babysitter. And don't worry about planning. I'll take care of it."



Jimin walks into the apartment later that afternoon and is greeted with a kiss. "Hi baby."

Jimin giggles and gives him another kiss. "Hi... So, do I need to change for our date or am I dressed appropriately?"

"Get something more casual on. A sweater and some jeans should be fine."

Jimin nods and walks to their room. He changes into some light wash denim jeans and a super-soft light pink sweater. He puts his white canvas shoes back on and walk out into the kitchen.

Jungkook grabs his hand and kisses it gently. "You look so cute..."

Jimin blushes and sits down at the kitchen table. "When is the babysitter getting here?"

"She should be here soon."

"Okay. Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

"No. It's a secret."

Jimin giggles lightly. "Okay."

"I have some tricks up my sleeve for tonight. I want to make up for how reckless I was on Monday. I want to show that I do care about how you feel. I know I've said it a lot to you over the past month, but you're really special to me."

Jimin smiles and grabs Jungkook's hand. "You don't need to prove it to me. I know you care about me."

"But I haven't done anything to outwardly show you that."

"You're so sweet."

"I don't want to treat you like my dad treated my mom. He was so selfish and he didn't care about how his actions affected those around him. I promise I'll treat you better."

"I believe you."



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