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The next evening, Jimin drives to the address Jungkook sent him. It's a fancy apartment complex. Not what he expected.

He takes the elevator up to the 5th floor and walks to apartment 567. He knocks lightly on the door and hears, "Hold on! I'll be right there!" followed by the sound of struggling.

Jungkook opens the door and Jimin laughs lightly. "Your sweatshirt is on backwards. Maybe I need to tutor you instead of your brother."

Jungkook chuckles. "I always study shirtless so I was in a bit of a rush to put this on while coming to the door. I promise I know how to properly wear clothes." He lets Jimin inside.

"So, where is Sangjun?"

"He's at the kitchen table. He's doing a bit better with his homework today. I think your tutoring actually helps him."

Jimin smiles. "That's good news. I think he has potential."

Jungkook smiles. "I think so too."


After helping Sangjun with his homework, Jimin pulls out a few sheets of notebook paper. "I know you finished your homework already, but I thought we could work on a bit of the alphabet."

Sangjun smiles. "Can you show me how to spell my name?"

"Of course! I can show you how to spell both your Korean name and your English name."

Jungkook walks downstairs. And freezes. Jimin turns and Jungkook hides his chest. "Uh... I thought you already left since it's been more than an hour."

Jimin looks away. "I was just showing him how to spell his name. I can leave if you want me to."

Jungkook holds up a finger. "One sec." He runs back to his room and returns with a shirt on. "You don't need to leave. You can join us for dinner if you want."

Jimin smiles. "I'd love to join you two for dinner. Maybe Sangjun can tell me the color of everything that we're eating."

Jungkook walks over to the pantry and pulls out a can of tomato sauce and some spaghetti. Then he grabs a pack of meatballs from the fridge. "You aren't vegetarian, are you?"

Jimin shakes his head.



When Jungkook finishes cooking, Jimin stands up. "Do you want me to clean off the table?"

Jungkook chuckles. "No. We eat on the couch because Paw Patrol is on and Sangjun loves Paw Patrol."

Jimin smiles. "Sounds like fun."



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