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Jimin and Jungkook cuddle when they get back to the apartment. "Thank you for today. It was really special to me."

Jungkook kisses his forehead. "You deserved it."

Jimin smiles and cuddles closer into Jungkook's chest. "Can I invite some of my friends over this weekend?"

"Sure. You don't need to ask me."

"It just that I was going to invite Hoseok..."

"That's fine. I want to talk to him anyways."

"Just don't be mean."

"I won't be. I want your friends to like me. All they know about me is that I hurt your feelings. I need to show them that I'm not always like that."

"I told them the good things about you. They all wanted me to give you a second chance before jumping to any conclusions, so honestly, they're on the side already."

"Tell me more about your friends."

"Okay. Obviously you've met Hoseok. He really likes dance and has a great fashion sense. He's a very out-of-the-box thinker when it comes to clothes. He's still in medical school but he's studying to be an ER doctor."

"Wow. Impressive."

"Do you remember the friend that I mentioned during our picnic date? I told you that his dad works for Delta?"

Jungkook nods.

"Well, that's Seokjin. His family gets flight benefits so he travels a lot and he loves travel. He's taking a gap year before getting a job but he's going to teach Biology at US Airforce bases in Korea. Basically he'll teach kids who's dads are stationed at that base."

"That's interesting."

"Yeah. Another one of my friends is Namjoon. He's a gentle giant in terms of personality but he's also a blundering idiot sometimes. He works in real estate and he's very successful."

"Wait, are they all Korean?"

"Yeah. My mom wanted me to have Korean friends growing up and she always hated it when I invited anyone who wasn't some form of Asian over."

"My mom doesn't care."

"Lucky you. Anyways, my next friend is Taehyungie. We're really really close. I know I said Hoseok was my best friend, but Taehyung is my best best friend. He's really bubbly and he works in Journalism."

Jungkook nods, trying to take in all of the information.

"My last friend is Yoongi. He's a big grump and he dropped out of college. He's a huge disappointment to his parents but he opened a really successful record shop."



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