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Jimin drives to the bar that Hoseok told him to go to and he finds parking. He gets out of his car and walks inside, looking around. Someone grabs his shoulder and he smiles, wrapping his arms around them.

They smile back. "Jimin, it's so nice to see you."

"I've missed you, Yoongs. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch with you guys. I've just been so busy–"

"Don't worry about it. Hoseok told us you've been stressed out. Let's just focus on the fact that the whole gang is here. You can rant to us about all of your boy troubles."

Jimin giggles . "Just like highschool. It'll be good to see everyone again. Where are they?"

Yoongi points at a booth. Jimin smiles at the sight of all of his friends laughing and talking. He scurries over to the table and gives one of them a big hug.

They hug him back automatically. "How have you been?"

Jimin pulls away from the hug and sighs. "Imma be honest, Tae. It's definitely been better." Jimin takes a minute to say hi to everyone else.

That second tallest one takes a sip of their drink. "So... Who broke your heart this time? Tell us everything."

"Well, he didn't really break my heart. He just lost a bit of my trust, but it's only been 5 weeks since we started dating, so I'm scared things are just gonna get worse."

Jimin tells them about Jungkook and Sangjun and how he met them. He explains the situation with their parents and how he's living with them now. They listen intently as he tells them how Jungkook messed up.

The tallest one clears their throat. "Judging by his reaction, he seems to be genuinely upset that he hurt your feelings. I personally think he'll try to fix his behavior."

Hoseok chuckles. "He's funny and everything, but when we last hung out, it didn't seem like you had voiced your concern to him at all. Maybe he just needed a reality check."

Jimin props his elbow up on the table and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. "I don't know... I deal with enough childish behavior at my job. The reason he was so attractive to me in the first place was the fact that he seemed mature. The past few weeks have shown me that he's not as mature as I thought."

Tae speaks up. "Give him time to prove himself to you know that you told him how his behavior is bothering you. He might come around and act mature again. If he really cares about you, I guarantee that he will."



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