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When Sangjun comes home, he immediately notices the box on the floor. He walks to Jungkook's room and knocks on the door.

Kook opens the door. "Hey bud."

"Why is there a cardboard box?"

"Oh. Jimin moved in."

Sangjun gasps and smiles. "Really? Yay! I have another big brother!"

Jimin walks over to the door. "Hi Sangjun. How was soccer?"

"Good. I'm really tired. Can you put me to bed tonight?"

Jimin smiles. "Sure. Take a shower, brush your teeth, and tell me when you're ready."

Sangjun walks to his room and Jimin pouts. "He called me his brother. That was really cute. By the way, how do you usually put him to bed?"

"I tuck him in, read him a story if he wants me to, turn his light off, and turn his star light on."

"Okay. What story is his favorite?"

"He really likes the Dr. Seuss ones."

"Then I'll read him one of those."


When Sangjun is ready Jimin goes to his room. "Hey kiddo."

"Hi. Can I call you Jimin now?"

"Sure, but only when we aren't at school."


"Do you want me to read you a story tonight?"


Jimin looks through his bookshelf and picks out a Dr. Seuss one. Before reading it, he tucks Sangjun in.

He reads it softly and by the time he's done, Sangjun is fast asleep. Jimin turns the star light on and the overhead light off. He gets up and closes the door on his way out.



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