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1 year and 7 months later

Jimin pushes a shopping cart down the long aisles of school supplies. "Sangjunnie, don't get distracted. I don't have much time to shop with you today."

"Jungkook is gets back from his trip tonight, right?"

"Yeah. That's why we need to hurry up. I want to cook for you brother."

"Okay. We only need one more thing. Clear school glue."

Jimin goes to the next aisle and grabs it. "There we go. Since you've been so good today, you can pick one special item. Just one. Pick wisely."

Sangjun runs to the backpack section and comes back with a Marvel backpack. "I like this one."

Jimin puts it in the cart. "Good choice."


Jimin stirs the pasta gently and adds some salt. "Your brother should be home any minute now. Can you set the table?"

Sangjun nods and gets out forks and napkins. "Are you excited to see Jungkookie?"

Jimin smiles and nods. "I'm very excited. He's been gone for too long, but that internship was too good to pass up. I can't believe we haven't seen him in 5 months..."

15 minutes pass and Jimin finishes draining the pasta and cooking the sauce. He sets them off to the side and grates some parmasean into a bowl.

As soon as he puts everything on the table, he hears the door unlock. He runs to door and tackles Jungkook to the floor with a hug as soon as he opens it.

Jungkook hugs him back. "Oh my god, I've missed you so much." He gives him a big kiss.

Jimin pulls away and helps him stand up. "How was Chicago? Was it cool?"

"Yeah. Mr. Weers was super chill. He said he visits Atlanta often, so I told him he can come stay with us. Where's Sangjun?"

Jimin turns around "Sangjunnie! Your brother is home!"

Sangjun runs out of his room. Jungkook squats down and braces for impact as Sangjun sprints towards him. They collide in a hug and Jungkook tears up. "Did you have another growth spurt while I was away? Fuck, you're growing up too fast."

Sangjun pulls away from the hug. "Jimin bought me a new backpack. Wanna see?"

Jungkook nods and Sangjun runs back to his room to grab it. Jungkook stands up and gives Jimin another kiss. "You have no idea how much I've missed you guys."

Jimin brings him over to the table. "I made your favorite."

"It looks great, babe."

Jimin squeezes his hand. "Did you heart act up at all during the past few months?"

"No. The medicine is very reliable. Also, I'm able to control my heart when I see you now, so you won't be giving me any heart attacks any time soon."

Jimin giggles. "That's a relief."


After dinner, Jungkook puts Sangjun to bed. He reads him 2 chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets before turning off the lights. He walks out an quietly closes the door.

Jimin is still cleaning up the kitchen, so Jungkook helps him. "Sangjun is knocked out. Something about back to school shopping really drains his energy."

Jimin smiles. "Maybe it's the fact that he has to go back to school."

"You're so smart."

"I'm not the one with an engineering degree. I just teach kindergarten."

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