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Just to make it clear, none of my books are finished until I put THE END at the end of a chapter


Jimin sits next to the hospital bed and holds Jungkook's hand as they wait for the test results to come back.

Jungkook gulps. "Jimin?"


"I'm scared..."

Jimin smooths our Jungkook's hair. You'll be okay. As long as they can closely monitor your heartbeat, you'll be okay."

Jungkook looks up at the ceiling. "What if something bad happens? What'll happen to Sangjun?"

Jimin cup's Jungkook's cheek in his palm. "Don't make yourself worry. Being nervous can't be good for your heart."

Jungkook nods. "You're right. I need to relax... But I'm being serious. What would happen to Sangjun?"

"I don't know and you shouldn't worry about that."

The doctor walks back in. "Are the two of you ready to discuss the test results?"

Jimin nods so the doctor flips through his notes. "The EKG shows that there is a constant irregularity in your heart rate. There's no discernible pattern or rhythm."

Jungkook holds Jimin's hand a little bit tighter.

"The results of the MRI show that this situation might be a bit more serious... There is without a doubt some sort of irregularity in the structure of you heart. One of the muscles in your right ventricle seems to be quite weak."

Jimin closes his eyes and tries to hold back his tears. "Is there anything you can do to fix it?"

"It's impossible to know until we know exactly what's wrong. We have a few more tests that we want to run, but there's on that I think he should take first. It's a genetic test. Are you okay with that?"

Jungkook nods. "What is it for?"

"Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. It's commonly referred to as ARVC. It tends to affect the muscle in the right ventricle of the heart, so that's why I feel you should take that test first."

"What is ARVC?"

"The muscle in the right ventricle is made of fat and scar tissue instead of muscle. Sadly, there's no cure, but if treated properly, you can avoid progression of the disease."


They end up staying the night at the hospital while they wait for the results of the genetic test.

"I hope they were right about what I have, but at the same time, I hope they're wrong... I want them to be right so they don't have to run more tests, but a genetic disease sounds scary."

Jimin nods. "I feel the same way. Just try not to worry yourself too much. I called Nina and she's on her way with Sangjun. They should be here soon."

Jungkook grins. "That's good... I really need to see him right now... Maybe they can run the genetic test on him too."

He nods again. "We'll see. How do you feel right now?"

"My chest doesn't hurt but it's still tight. My breathing is a bit more normal, I guess."

Jimin gives him a kiss. "If you do happen to have this big, scary, genetic disease, I'll stay by your side every step of the way."

Jungkook genuinely smiles for the first time in a few hours. "That's good to hear."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The doctor walks back in again. "The test results came back and you tested positive for ARVC."



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