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Starting from today, 10 days later than actually planned, your first day in the top hero academy finally began. After you had been released from the hospital, you settled in the office of Recovery Girl, who was in charge of healing the wounded students. But before you had walked to the school, you had stopped by your house to get your things. And so you were now standing inside Recovery Girl's office with a suitcase next to you. Nobody was in sight.
So you stood in there, not knowing what to do. "Welcome." You got startled by the sudden voice appearing from behind you but took a breather, after realising that it was Recovery Girl. "Thank you for letting me stay here in your office, Recovery Girl." But the granny waved it off. "No need to thank me. This is just where I work. You should give your thanks to the principal not me." Nodding your head slightly, you decided to do what she just said for another time, when you would have the time to do so. Or better when you would be able to meet him.

It was still early in the morning, so you had to wait until class was going to start. "Oh by the way, if you're wondering why I'm not healing your wounds, it's because it wouldn't be good for you because class is starting soon. If I'm healing you now, it would only drain your energy and you wouldn't be able to focus in class. So it's better to wait after school's finished."
You looked at your bandaged arms and legs. Those bandages that were wrapped all around your body, were giving you quite a hard time to move. But the thought about you not being able to concentrate on class, wasn't really pleasant to you because you were already behind with your studies. "Then I think that it's better if you heal me after school." you decided after a short while of mulling over it.

"You got your school uniform right? Why don't you change into it?" The woman you were with suggested as she sat on a chair, facing her back to you as she seemd to work on some paperwork. And so you grabbed your uniform that laid on one of the beds, drew the curtain that separated each bed and changed your clothes.

Afterwards, you could hear the bell, that announced that the first period would begin very soon. You stood up from the bed, picked up your bagpack, shouldered it and walked out the room in search of your classroom. On your way to your destination, you met with the pro hero who gave you the letter of your grandfather.
"What's he doing here?" you wondered as you were walking behind him for a bit, before he suddenly started to talk to you. "(Y/N) follow me. I'll take you to your classroom." His sudden offer made you wonder why he did this and your desire for an answer to your unspoken question grew stronger to get an answer. Regardless, you still followed him without asking him anything.

When you finally reached your destination, the male opened the door and signaled you with a light nod to come inside. Once you stepped into the big room, the teenagers inside got quiet and all their eyes were on you.
"This is one of your classmates. Some things happened, so she couldn't attend school in the first 10 days. Due to some complications, she'll be living in the school building for a while." The oldest man in the room explained the matter to the class. First, you were shortly introducing yourself, then you took an empty seat afterwards.

The man who had lead you to your classroom began to talk to the class about a school subject. And just now, your questions that had crossed your mind before, got answered.
This very pro hero, who was part of your rescue team, was a teacher in this school and also your homeroom teacher.
Letting out a small snicker that was directed at your past self a few minutes ago, because of your cluelessness, you took out your books, exercise books and pencil case. And the first period could begin.

- At lunch break -

The moment the bell rang, you noticed that the girls and some boys in your class were coming over to your seat. They were circling you as they stood there, without a single gap between them. "Let's get to know each other." A girl with brown, shoulder-length hair said as she beamed at you. And so you were talking about various things and also got to know each other.

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