Chapter 1:

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"Excuse me; can you please help me find room 104?" I asked a couple of students who were passing by me.

"Get lost!" One of them said as they rushed off.

"I am lost." I mumbled.

I rushed over to a couple standing by their lockers. It kind of looked like they were trying to suck each other's faces off. I cleared my throat, hoping to get their attention, "Excuse me."

They looked up, both with annoyed expressions. "Hi, I think I'm lost. Can you please help me?"

"Not a chance, loser." The girl shut her locker, grabbed her boyfriend's hand and they walked off laughing.

"Thanks for nothing!" I said, stopping in my tracks.

"Get out of the way, new kid!" Someone ran into me, my books flew from my hands as I lost my balance; they hit the ground with a thud. I sighed and bent down to retrieve my things. It never fails; no matter where I am I always seem to be picking my books up off the ground. It seems to be a daily thing. I am hoping being at a new school, this wouldn't happen anymore but maybe I'm just kidding myself. You think they would have a little respect for new students who have no idea where they are going but I guess not. A student walked by and kicked my notebook down the hallway. He high fived his friend who yelled "nice!" and they walked away laughing. Student after student walked past me, some acted like I wasn't even there, others just stared me down.

"Here, let me help you!" I heard a girl say. Her voice is sweet like honey. I looked up and she was holding my notebook. She bent down and helped me collect my things. I was relieved to finally find someone who is friendly, well I'd hope anyway. She looked pretty sweet.

"Thank you so much." I said. I stood up and she handed me the rest of my things.

"No problem. People can be rude, ''she told me. "I'm Dylan"


"You're new aren't you?"

"Yeah, my mom got a new job again so here I am."

"Oh, I see. Well let's hope you are here to stay." She smiled, pushing her glasses up "Are you lost?"

"Umm," I looked down, embarrassed. I really didn't want to admit it but I also didn't want to wander around this new school all day. "Yeah,"

"It's okay. What is your first class?" She asked.

"History in room 104,"

"That's my first class!" She said excitedly. "I'll show you where it's at." She grabbed my hand leading me through the busy halls. She was a very beautiful girl. She had long burgundy hair, chocolate brown eyes covered by a pair of blue nerd glasses. Teenagers looked our way, shooting us strange looks, others snickered to their friends.

"So where did you live before?"


"Oh, welcome to Florida. That's a little far." She said with a grin, "Do you miss it?"

"Not really." I said. "I really didn't have any friends so there isn't anything to go back to."

"How come you didn't have friends, if I may ask?"

"No, you're fine. I never really made any. No one wanted to be friends with a shy, awkward purple haired girl. They say I'm a freak." For some strange reason I didn't mind not having friends. At least I knew I couldn't hurt anyone if I didn't have anyone in the first place to hurt. I'm a bomb, that I feel, at any time could go off.

"What! You are not a freak. You're gorgeous and I love your hair!" She said, looking at me. "I'll be your friend."

"Thank you so much!" I said. "I'd like that." There was something about this girl that was different from everyone else. She seems like someone who would never hurt you, she was nice enough to help me with my things. She deserves a chance.

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