Masky and Hoodie (Marble Hornets) NOT COMPLETE

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*Contains Marble Hornets spoilers.*

Grab yourself some popcorn and soda or something 'cuz this is a lot of information. (Well kinda)

The creepypasta fandom disappoints me sometimes. Why? Because some fans say Hoodie and Masky LOVE cheesecake (that's a joke that the creators of Masky made). I don't think they are best friends. And I have proof. In entry #83 Hoodie and Tim (Tim wasn't wearing his mask so he wasn't Masky at the time) were fighting each other. Tim is partially the cause of Hoodie dying. Tim grabbed a pole (or crowbar, I couldn't tell) and tries to hit Hoodie with it. After Hoodie falls to his death Tim goes to investigate, only because he wanted to see if he (Hoodie) had pills on him. Afterward, there is a scene where Tim is looking down at Hoodie's body, then It goes to static and we are left wondering what he did to the body. Tim and Brian were friends before but now I'm not so sure mostly because Hoodie might be dead because of Tim. 

In entry #86 Alex refers to a 'disease', which could be him talking about Slender Sickness.

Now, there is a chance that Hoodie didn't die at all, I mean, we saw his body but no blood. So it's possible he either left never to be seen again or was taken by the Operator at some point.

Throughout the series we see (various times) that Hoodie steals Tim's pills, by breaking into Tim's house. Tim mentions in an entry that he needs those pills. When he didn't have them he had a seizure, forgot whcih entry thi was. We get a good sense of what Brian and Tim's personality are like in entries #83 and #84.

This is offtopic but daaaaaaang did anyone watch entry #84 y'know, the part where Tim is auditioning for Marble Hornets? He didn't have sideburns, but that hair thoooooooo. 

Personally, I don't believe Marble Hornets was made for fun n a summer day. If you watched Marble Hornets you can tell right off the bat why I think this. If not let me list some evidence.

1. Throughout the series we see lots of violence and death. Tim has a freaking gun!!!!! (You'd think the creators would tone it down)

2. The characters go to so many abandoned places. Do you really think the 'groundskeeper' at Benedict Hall would be acting? Speaking of Benedict Hall, the timing of Hoodie's fall was in a matter of a few seconds. Meaning, if it was faked you would have to be very quick to remove something he would land on.

 EDIT: WHen this scene was being shot it was with a stop motion camera (or slow mtoion, I'm sorry I'm not sure which.)

3. They were stalking people. I wouldn't shoot a Youtube video about watching my friends for fun, for obvious reasons. There are too many risks, they can get the cops called on them. And with all the entries together, they could get arrested. If they say "oh, we're making a video". The police would still think it's suspicious.

4. Alex pours gasoline in Tim's house in Entry #85. If it was all fake you'd think Tim would say no. Tim's house BURNS to the ground. (assuming that news report was real) If this is fake, well these people got dedication. 

EDIT: Tim's house was covered in water when this scene was shot so that only a specific area would cathc fire.

The following research is from a few months ago, something I made while watching Marble Hornets.

Hoodie and Masky are said to not be creepypastas by some people, while others say they are. Hoodie and Masky are from Marble Hornets. (which is amazing you should watch it.) I saw a creepypasta like Hoodie called the hooded man, but no creepypasta like Masky. (link down below.) The 'Hooded Man' was published on May 24, 2016, roughly 10 years after Marble Hornets was filmed. The writer of the Creepypasta, Anonymous, has written other Creepypastas so It is possible that (after watching Marble Hornets,) the writer created a backstory for Hoodie. Hoodie was most likely the creator of the totheark Youtube channel. Evidence being the Youtube channel stopped uploading after Hoodie met his maker (Possibly). Hoodie and Masky's goal was to kill Alex in which Hoodie failed and Masky succeeded. Due to unfortunate events Hoodie died by falling out a window. Hoodie was never stated to be a proxy of the Operator in Marble Hornets. Hoodie and Masky are not creepypastas they originate from the popular Youtube series Marble Hornets. Neither one of them have ever come in contact with The Slenderman, and are not proxies. 'The Hooded Man' creepypasta was made after Marble Hornets and was made to give 'Hoodie' a backstory. In Marble Hornets, Tim, (or Masky) is seen as an antagonist that drives the plot of the story. Many people see Masky as a proxy of the Operator when in reality Masky is against the Operator, and is never said to be a proxy. Tim was stalked by the Operator for years dating back to around 1995. They DON'T have an obsession with cheesecake at all! That was a joke Troy and Joseph made (MH creators.) And they have nothing to do with Ticci Toby either, they have never met each other! (or have they???)

Links to Creepypasta, Marble Hornets(YT)and The hooded man creepypasta

I was going to put a picture for this chapter (or whatever this is called) and I found this. This pretty much sums up what fangirls do to Masky and Hoodie.

 This pretty much sums up what fangirls do to Masky and Hoodie

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This picture isn't mine

I'll add head really hurts and my ribs hurt too. Not sure why though.

M'kay so I was scrolling through YouTube and I think everyone reading this should watch it if you want more info. I'm feeling really drowsy and dizzy right now and I don't know why its 12:30 pm.

'Till next time- L.V

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