Individual and grouped pastas

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I couldn't get this research out of my head, so here you go! The reason its called "individual and grouped pastas" is because a lot of people believe that ALL the Creepypastas work together, but that isn't always the case. This information is obviously not 100% accurate, as I do not know what their connections are. This is just based on dream experiences and other types of research I have seen.  This does not contain all Creepypastas, but you can suggest Creepypastas for me to add. If I cannot find evidence to fit in any groups they will be marked under 'unknown' which will be added.


Individual Creepypastas

Individual Creepypastas are Creepypastas that mostly work alone or with one other Creepypasta. These are considered to not work closely with Slenderman. Yes, some might work with him but it is on occasion. Say it is in return for being able to stay at a mansion.

-Bloody Painter

Bloody Painter does not appear to have any connection with the Slenderman to my knowledge. Bloody Painter is mostly seen alone when summoned.

-Jane the Killer

She does not work with the Slenderman and is an individual. Evidence is: she works against the Creepypastas and many people believe she only wants to kill Jeff, not other Creepypastas or innocent people.


Clockwork does not work for Slenderman as she works with Zalgo instead.


Same as Bloody Painter.

Possibly grouped

These are Creepypastas that can be considered as grouped but there is little evidence to back it up. But evidence is evidence so it is considered a possibility.


The reason she is not confirmed as grouped is because there aren't many cases with her in dreams, well through my reading od other researchers I haven't found any. I have however found a case of Sally attacking a girl that had a book about Creepypasta invocations. This could be because it upset Sally individually or because she volunteered/was asked to keep the others safe.

-BEN Drowned

This is more of my personal opinion. I believe BEN simply gathers information from researchers through their electronics. 


These are Creepypastas that have much evidence of being associated with the Slenderman examples being dreams, summoning, and when being stalked.

-Ticci Toby

He is very much seen working with the Slenderman, if you want examples then here is one: He is seen watching people with the Slender sickness.

-Masky and Hoodie

Although they are not official Creepypastas, they are involved with the Slenderman, they can be seen recording victims and/or researchers along with others. They mostly stalk people from afar or closely without being caught. They have been seen when Slenderman is present in someone's dreams.

-Jeff the Killer

He has been seen in dreams with the Slenderman, they are believed to work together by many.

-The Black Wolf

(He is not well known, you can find info about him in my reading list.) The Black Wolf is said to be second in command, Slenderman being first in command.


There aren't many Creepypastas listed because most dreams and experiences focus on the proxies and Jeff, along with Slenderman of course.


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