Some news I wanna share

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Okay so as you know, I joined a discord server with a bunch of researchers, well, one of them had a dream experience with the Creepypastas. I won't say who it is so don't ask unless of course, the person says I can add their name. Anyway, they described a girl in their dream sneaking around their house. They described her and she sounded EXACTLY like me, mind you, I have never described what I look like or showed a picture of myself. Even the bandana the girl was wearing sounded like a bandana I used to have. Used being the keyword, some lady stole it from me, and when asked if she had it, said she didn't. Anyway, that was really freaky to me and everyone there concluded that I was a Creepypasta or proxy, or at least soon-to-be. But considering that SLenderman, Hoodie, and Masky were after the person who had the dream, we were a bit confused when she described that I (or the girl in the dream) seemed to be looking for the person who had the dream seemed strange. So the girl In her dream was looking for the dreamer but when Slenderman appeared he girl in the dream ran away. So, we think that that was me in the future, after the discord chiz we discussed which I will not talk about here. So we think that after the discord stuff, Slenderman will recruit some people from the discord and hunt down and kill the others. We think that I was recruited and tried to protect the dreamer. I personally don't think I will be recruited as a proxy, because I was described as seemingly making my own decisions, something proxies cannot do on their own. So I was an individual Creepypasta, most likely. Which is good because LOVESICK AIN'T NO SLAVE!!!!

I hope this makes sense to you all.


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