Creepypasta dream experience #1

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This is an experience from March of 2020.

*I only remember parts of my dreams, I tend to forget small portions of my dreams. 

Dream entry #1         Date: 3/13/2020

I had a dream that I was on the freeway in my family's Sequoia with my Mom or Dad, I was in the backseat. (I think.) I looked out the window and saw Slenderman in the Bay, in a shallow area. (The Bay Area.) I was then at my school playing foursquare with my friends, the sky was purple. One of my friends, *****, (removed for identity reasons) completely looked terrified of me and wouldn't talk to me. He walked away from foursquare and walked toward Slenderman. I was then at a white table that looked like it was for my birthday; there were my friends with party hats and they were smiling and laughing. Across from me on the other side of the table was Slenderman with his head tilted slightly, staring at me. He just stood there staring at me than he grew a human face with piercing blue eyes and started smiling. I yelled at him, "Slenderman. Slenderman, leave now please!" He looked at me then I woke up.

I'm actually surprised I confronted Slenderman, I mean the face he made at the end was horrifying. I always thought I would be frozen in fear in a situation where I encounter him.

*I remember surrounding myself in salt, so I grabbed some salt and put it on my nightstand.

Note: this was on Friday the thirteenth. For some strange reason, every Friday that lands on the thirteenth I have good luck or something big happens to me. And 13 is my lucky's a long story.

Earlier that day I was kinda sad and mad at the world and myself, which could've attracted a creepypasta or other paranormal entity. Most likely if it was Slenderman he wanted to see if I could handle his presence or warning me or something along those lines, that being the best-case scenario. The worst-case scenario is he is killing me softly. *If you know that song you are amazing*

Most likely he was warning me of something that happened after. Because my friend I mentioned in the dream was currently drifting further and further from me at the time. "One of my friends, *****, (removed for identity reasons) completely looked terrified of me and wouldn't talk to me. He walked away from foursquare and walked toward Slenderman" This could be because this was the week before I went into the stay home quarantine. I never got to say goodbye to my friend. (He is transferring schools) And I am pretty sure I left the impression of being a creepy person. #Creepykidstruggles

"I was then at a white table that looked like it was for my birthday; there were my friends with party hats and they were smiling and laughing. Across from me on the other side of the table was Slenderman with his head tilted slightly, staring at me.

The date of this experience was a little over a month from my birthday. And when my birthday came, I felt different. Not like, "Oh, I'm one year older!" No, I felt different emotionally. I can't really describe the feeling. Also, today marks exactly one month since that happened. (May, 19th, 2020)

'Till next time-L.V

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