Entry #26

322 18 15

Date: August 28, 2020

Time: 10:41am 

Not much to say really, but this and add on to (I think last entry?) Anyway, I am pretty sure I am hallucinating. I saw a glimpse of either Jeff or Kate the Chaser, yesterday. Let me set the scene, It was around midnight, I had my bedroom door open and my mom was watching T.V in the Living room, so the light from the T.V was shining in my room a bit. (Wait was my door close??? It's fuzzy...) Anyway, I was just thinking about which Creepypasta I should be for Halloween. (Yes, I love Halloween that much.) I was laying the right side of my bed while just thinking about that. And then I saw a white figure with black pants standing a few feet away from me looking at me. I was surprised so I blinked. Then It was gone. I then saw my jacket literally move. Not a little Like, if you brush past it and lit up the sleeve a bit. Think about a cat's tail flickering side to side quickly. That was what it looked like. My jacket was on my bedpost, near my feet. and I didn't move it at all. 

I was confused at first, like, "Okay, what the heck just happened" but then I just resumed my strange train of thoughts. And If you're wondering, I am not sure whether to dress up as Hoodie or Jeff. I think I will be Hoodie, honestly. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and they came out good! I'm glad for that, I also got PRINGLES and pudding. My favorite foods! I just wish my brother wouldn't eat so many of my yummy cookies. (>.<*)


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