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Alright, I didn't want to say anything about this at first but a few weeks ago probably two/one and a half weeks ago I was bored so I decided to go on Youtube to watch one of those PIck a card Tarot readings. This wasn't the first time I did so I did watch one about how my August would be, and It came out accurate. So back to last week/ two weeks ago, the person in the video said to ask a question for the pendulum to answer. My mind was in research mode so I asked "Will I physically meet a Creepypasta in September?" Twice it said try again but the third time it said yes. Now when I thought of the sentence I thought of, meeting them like saying hello and being al polite and y'know smiling at each other. Well, I obviously didn't think it would say yes. But, then it ties to my weird dream with Jeff in it. Now, this could be just like any other dream and just be because I tend to think of research before I go to bed. Also, I read a researcher's dream experience with Jeff. But that doesn't hide the fact that the pendulum said yes to my question and the tarot reading said something big would happen to me that I've been preparing for. Honestly, I don't really have any big plans besides getting research and theories published.

Also, TODAY is Jane the Killer's birthday (right?) she's turning like 35 years old, wowie congrats! Happy birthday Jane! 

And if you've been here for a while you must know that I do not own such beautiful art! 

And if you've been here for a while you must know that I do not own such beautiful art! 

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