Entry #20

327 21 5

Date: July 24, 2020

Time: 11:55pm

Okay, so, I'm alive-in case anyone was wondering. So not much paranormal-creepypasta things happened lately, but I have had some creepy and strange dreams. A few days ago I had a dream that my own father was an evil Mickey Mouse, talk about looney! And two days ago I had a dream that a bunny man (not the bunny man the bunny looked like the (I think meme) of that bunny suit sitting on a toilet and patting next to him, you know the one, right?) possessed some of my pokemon plushies and took them hostage, it was creepy but then weird and funny because later in the dream my brother told my mom that Donald Trump was eating all our fruit. Weird huh? 

I asked my mom if my best friend could come over and she said yes, and she asked her mom and she said yes. In case you don't know I'm talking about my friend from my 'Important but also not really' post. She's a creepypasta researcher like me, well, she helped me research when I asked her. She doesn't have Wattpad but I will ask her to get Wattpad if she agrees t help me research again. (I told her to not research anymore because I was worried.) She's fine now and hasn't mentioned anything strange happening. 

Was anyone worried that I didn't post anything?


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