Entry #24

307 18 10

Date: August 21, 2020

Time: 11:17am

Okay, I should have said this a few days ago but here ya go. So, (I think this started on Tuesday) I've heard ringing in my right ear twice over the past few days. This was in between the time that I went on a summoning rampage. I'm sorry guys but I was stupid and did like nine summonings in one night. (I don't know why I did this actually.) I did about three Jeff the Killer summonings, one Clockwork summoning, one Eyeless Jack summoning, and (Don't hate me for this) about FIVE Slenderman summonings. (This was on Wednesday) Don't worry though, I have nothing major to report. The only thing is I saw a dark skinny figure pass by my window ten minutes ago. It couldn't have been a bird, because it was tall. 

Also, isn't it kinda weird that I'm (to my knowledge) one of the most different researchers. I mean, I've been doing some pretty risky stuff, and nothing major has actually happened. But other researchers do like two summonings and are on Slendy's watchlist. Guess that makes me lucky. (Never thought I would EVER say that) The bad thing is: what if Mr. Noodle arms has bigger plans for me? 


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