Creepypasta dream experience #2

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*This is kind of dark in a way.* 

Dream entry #2           Date: 3/14/2020

I had a dream that my brother went to a party at his friend's house, which will happen later today. I remember it was night and my ex-best friend, ******* (removed)  was at my house. We were both looking out the window across the street where there was a mansion with bright yellowish lights. We were looking for someone and then when we saw him, I think my neighbor? Anyway we made eye contact and my ex-friend backed away into the wall, I was laying in my bed and went near the wall. It then turned morning and we looked out the window and Slenderman was in front of the window with his head tilted downward. The sky was gray was behind Slenderman. Me and ****** freaked out, I told her to close the blinds and cover the window with the curtains. She closed the blinds but then OPENED the blinds so we could see him fully and then she closed the curtains. I don't know what happened to her but I started looking for my family. I checked my brother's empty room, I think. Then I opened the backdoor to let my dogs inside the house. For some reason my dogs didn't want to go inside which is weird since they love being indoors. I looked outside and my dogs were barking at Slenderman. I walked to my brother's window and he was staring down at my dogs. I closed the blinds and tried to get my dogs indoors. I called my dog, Blacky, he came running toward me but refused to enter the house. I grabbed his collar, urging him to come inside and he bit me. I remember **** clapped her hands (slowly I think, like in a dramatic way) behind me and I killed her with a fireiron to the forehead. (I don't even have a fireplace.) I closed the back door and went to the kitchen/living room. It was sunny outside and seemed normal. My Dad was there and he looked normal. I told him to help me bring the dogs indoors and he agreed. We went to the kitchen door that led to the backyard. We both called our dogs' names urging them to come inside. Then I looked to my right and saw a tan-skinned man around 20 standing on the water heater. He was smiling at me, I closed the door and saw Slenderman vertical from me. He stood on the porch, outside. I told him " leave me alone! Just go away!" He didn't leave but then a fat biker guy was behind me, in front of my Dad. My dad grabbed a meat hammer and nodded at me. (I don't know what the hammer is called, it's the hammer you use to hit steaks with, it has a spiky side and a flat side.) I had a golden-colored crowbar, I walked towards the guy and he smiled. We walked into the kitchen and he sat on a chair, still smiling. I started hitting him with the crowbar, I knocked out two of his gold teeth, I left gashes on his head, and I tried taking out his blue eyes. I think I looked out the window behind the guy and saw Slenderman. Then I woke up. I don't know what happened to my mom and brother (In my dream). My brother is going to a sleepover today and I'm kinda scared now. I woke up and my body hurt, but this could be because I woke up on my stomach with a book next to me, so it could be I accidentally fell asleep on my book; it was a hardcover too.

I'm glad I wrote these down because when I read it again I remembered parts I thought didn't happen. 

Dream Analysis: (Possible meanings)

1. Slenderman was testing me seeing if I was capable of handling certain situations.

2. Slenderman was trying to tell me that peace is not an option anymore.

3. HE wants me to know he is ALWAYS WATCHING.

4. Trying to scare me, because I confronted him in the last dream with him. (He wanted me to show fear.)

5. He is closer than I think.

'Till next time-L.V

Remember that nightmares are dreams too.

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